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[1st pass]

[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd1 page 182 10NOV1849 High Council minutes]


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Bro. Harlow Redfield was called upon to
fill the place of councillor Ira Oviatte.
Bro William A. Bebee came forward and
stated relative to Hiram Bostwick that he
had been informed by O. M. Allen that Bostwick
was able to go on a hunt the succeeding
monday.  As Bostwick was not present it
was proposed to lay it over again.  Councillor
Geo. Coulson opposed the laying it over for it
had been to long delayed already.

The council called for a statement of 
The case.  Bro. Beebee gave a statement,
and then councillor Coulson moved that
it be laid over two weeks, and that the
clerk write him a notice..

The motion carried in the affirmative.
The clerk wrote him a notice, and it was

On motion the council adjourned
2 weeks 11 oclock AD 1849

E M Green clerk

Kanesville Io.a

Nov. 10. AD 1849

Met persuant to adjournmente of
the High Council James Allred
George W. Harris, Noah S Bulkley
Aaron Johnson, George Coulson
James MLeallean, Henry W. Miller
Jacob G Bigler, Jerome M Benson
William Snow Lyman Stoddard

The clerk called the names.

Prest. Allred made some remarks
said he should call for the council to
be by themselves.  Prayer by Aaron Johnson.

Bro. Jacob Morris made some inquires
relative to claims, said a dispute had