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38 transcriptions
this pay period
Laura Anderson (12921) | |
Terry Brewer (2090) | |
Betty Reeves (1921) |
Transcribed on September 19, 2021
[first pass HF]
[Mormon Battalion / MB CR 1234 1 B47F30 unknown San Diego Citz / CR_1234_1box_47_fd._30-Unknown_letter-ORIGINAL_Page_01]
San Diego.
Jany 8th 1848.
To the Editor of the Californian.
I take the liberty of addressing a
few lines to you for insertion in your valuable paper. Should you
deem them of sufficient public interest; to merrit a nook in your
columns, they are at your service. The remarks I have to make
have been suggested by rumors; current here, that in March next
our present efficient garrison at San Diego will be disbanded,
when in all probability we shall be left again without protection
by the United States authorities in Carlifornia; whose cause we have
recently espoused, and through whose wise policy, we had fond-
ly hoped to realise our ardent anticipations: of promised security.
When on the 29th of July, 1846, the United States, ship "Cyan"
arrived here, and Captain Dupont, hoisted the American flag in
San Diego, — he found many true hearted friends:— friends to the
American cause:— who were not only willing to take shelter under
the wide spread wings of the American "Eagle," but who were also
willing to sacrifice their lives, their fortunes, and to engage their sacred honor:
in its defence.
Eleven days after arrival of the "Cyan," the inhabitants
were not a little surprised at the preparation for her departure;
they represented to Captain Dupont, their former anticipations
of a longer stay of his vessel:— they received a polite answer in
return.—— Colonel Freemont; also soon left, and was imme-
diately followed by Captain Gillispie; leaving the inhabitants
who had voluntarily embraced the American cause, to protect
themselves; or become a prey to their enemies. We remained in
this condition until Colonel Cook, ordered company (B.) Mormon
Battalion of volunteers, commanded by Captain Hunter, to
garrison this post; they remained here about three months when
their term of Enlistment having expired, we were again left to ourselves.
A short time after their departure, a report reached
Colonel Stevenson, the commandant of the Pueblo: that
the Mexican flag had been rehoisted here, a vessel was despatched
Posted August 28, 2023 by Archive Owner
Posted February 24, 2003 by Archive Owner