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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_178]
                           Kanesville Iowa Aug. 26 A D 1850
    The High Council met perauant to adjour-
ment.. All of the  Councillors were present but
Lyman Stoddard and J. M. Benson.. Harlo Redfield
was chosen to fill the place of Lyman Stoddard &
C. C. Pendleton to fill the place of J. M. Benson
     The  Brethren sang '' This Earth was once a garden place''
    Prayer by Wm Snow
       PresO. Hyde presented as the first business
of the day, The moving of the Tabernacle the business of the day having been defered
from yesterday council
     Councillor Jas. Allred said he tho't it a
good idea to move it, and hew the Logs..
    Observations from different ones of the Councillors..
A motion was made to move the house..
                                                               Carried unaminously
     A motion to go into a Committee of the whole
to dissignate the spot.. Carried  unaminously ..
         Several proposals for building places were offered..
much discussions [=====] with the Councillors, and the
brethren present ..
       Councillor  Geo. Coulson move that a select
Committee be appointed by the President to
choose a spot and report to this committee before
sundown..                       The motion Carried
     Prest O. Hyde then appointed Councillor Wm
Snow of Council Point, C. C. Pendleton of Kanesville
and James M. Lellein  of Little Pigeon, said Committee
      The committee withdrew and the Prest then
presented as another part of the business of the day they
building a store house for the bishop..
       PresO.Hyde moved that the Bishop have the
power to select his own spot for building a
store house, or to purchase one, as he shall
be dictated in his wisdom and to apply
tything to the same,, Motion Carried..