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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_177]  
character and standing in society by exposing him
and then bring him out to satisfy a private
pigue, shame on such a spirit..
     My decission is that they both stand reproved
before this Council and the Church of J. C. of L.D.S.,
and that they confess to each other,, to this Council.
and to this congregation, asking the forgiveness of
all.. The Council sanctioned the decission by vote..
     Bro Benson came forward and made quite an
humble confession, and was accepted by the  Council.
[==========] said he had done wrong in being to free
with the Ladies, and asked the forgiveness of the
Council and congregation, but as to Benson he did
not feel that he had any forgiveness to ask, says he
I do not feel free to ask it. I would ask it..
     Bro. Ira T. Dibble at the out side of the window exclai
med, dont you do it {=====]
     The  spirit by which this was spoken thrilled through
every soul in the house..
      Bro. Hyde came to his feet and reproved that spirit
imediately, and said if the man who uttered those words
did not come forward and confess, a curse should
follow him from this time, a curse that he shall
feel sensibly..
     After some parlying with him[==========]
mad a confession that accepted, and Bro. Dibble
came forward and quite humbly confessed
or averted..
     Bros. Benson and [========] came forward and
shook hands and forgave each other..
     Bro O Hyde move an adjournment untill 2 ocl.
P. M. tomorrow at this place..   Carried
                                   E M Greene