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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_123 ]
                                Sept. 30 1848
    The High Council assembled at the house
of Pres. Geo. A. Smith at Carbonea . It being
the day set apart for the Branches to assemble
and hold in fasting, and prayer before the
Lord.. Pres. of the Twelve Geo. A. Smith   E T Benson
    The Counselors all present but, L. Stoddard  J m Benson
and H, W. Miller, their places filled by Isaac Clark
J. G. Bigler, and Wm Draper.. Bishops Pres. Jas Knights
Isaac Clark and Wm Draper.. Opening prayer by
Geo. Coulson,, sung '' Come all ye sons of Zion''
    The minutes of the former council read by the
clerk,, minutes accepted..
    Pres. Geo. A. Smith proposed the idea of sending
an express to the Valley, to give them the general
news of the day, and wanted to know the mind
of the council on this subject..
    Geo. W. Harris moved that a mail be sent
imediately after conference,, seconded by Ira Oviatt,,
 carried by full vote of all in the house..
     William Snow, Joseph Knights and Geo.
Coulson were appointed a committee to see the thing
 carried out.. Geo. W. Harris moved. that  each person
who sends a letter shall pay fifty cents,in advance on each letter,
he or she shall send, which money shall  used to defray
the expense of fitting out the carries,, Carried..
     Pres. G. A. Smith moved that Silas Richards be an
acting clerk,, to receive and condense  the Reports
from the Branches of the Farming statisties,, and
prepare the same to be sent to the Valley.. Carried..
     Pres. William Snow called up the idea, of the appealor
in appealed cases, being the plantif, altho' he might
have been the defensant  the in the former trial..
     The Council instructed Bishop Knights to pay
then clerk cut of tything.. Adj. till Monday the 9 of Oct
 at 10 ocl. A.M. at the house of Hiram Clark  E M Greene