Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 /
LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_135
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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_135]
Bro Oviatt has bought the cattle and has a order for them but it was
at his option to deliver them or not, and if he
did not deliver them Bevins would refund to
Bro. Oviatt the money, and so to supply his
family with shoes, he bought the cow for six
dollars, paid him three, and he agreed to wait
a while for the other three dollars, and then Bro.
Oviatt went and got the cow, after being told by
Williams that he had told her to James Browning,
said he went to see brother Oviatt and he
appeared quite brittle, and when he asked him
why he did bring the cow up the road home, if
he said anything it was that it was none of my
business.. I think said I it was you tho't she would
not drive well past my house, and you guessed
right.. Well said she I should shoot the man that
attempted to take my property.. Well said said
as many times as I have been shot at, I have
not been hit and do not recollect that I ever
heard the gun..
Bro. Oviatt said he saw Bro Bevins in Weston
who told him, he left with Bro Williams three
head of cattle, and wanted to sell them, said
he bought them and paid to bro. Bevins eighteen
dollars for the three head,, the rest of his stray
accorded with others..
Councillor Harris for plaintiff and
'' Stoddard,, Defendant
The two parties had each then turn and
Pres. O. Hyde spake on the matter and
Pres. James Allred that decided that the
cow is righteous by Bro. Oviatt, and that
Bro. Browning will be justifiable in securing
enough of Williams property to pay him his de mound and for his trouble..
The decision was sanctioned by the Council