
[first pass]                          154
[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_166]  
Previous to the opening of the Council the question of
order on the point of the clerks calling the names
and seeing the Councillors, seated and vacancies filled ,in
case of the abscence of any one of the Councillors, before
prayers, was agitated and several of the Councillors
spake on this subject pro. & con. (To Wit) Geo. W. Harris
J. M. Benson, Jas. Allred, Geo Coulson, N. S. Bulkley
Jacob G. Bigler & Aaron Johnson. PresO. Hyde
coming in the question was submitted to him..
     He said the Prest of the Council had a right to
conduct, and direct the order of the Councils.. He
said he could not recommend establishing a
precedent, but he would say if you have an order
let the members of the Council come togather,
get their seats, and let the clerk call the names
and have all vacancies if any filled, and then
attend to prayers.. He refered to the unnecessary delays
in all Legeslative  bodies, assising from questions
of order.. Prayer was then made by Councillor
Geo. Coulson.. The clerk called the names, Councillors
all present but Wm. Snow  Harlow Redfield was called
upon to fill his place.. The clerk read the former
minutes,, Wm Snow came in and took his place..
Councillor J. M. Benson made some comments
on the minutes.. PresO. Hyde said he understood
there were some who threatened taking vengance,
and had said they would resort to bruital means
if action was had in this Council and refered to
 Councillor L. Stoddard spake relative to the manners
in which the Council should meet these cases, said
if the Council not handle such cases the Law of
the land could,, refered to the late election and
the candidates &c said brother J. D. Parker came to
Bro. Geo. A, Smith, E. T. Benson and himself and wished
us to nominate a deputy to act in his place, as he was
not able to do it, and we declined, telling  him to