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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_167]
make his own deputation, he named several and
brother E. Elsworth was among them, he said he
tho't the deputy should be a man that could
receive the nomination at the nexet Election
so as not to be at the trouble of learning two
persons.. Bro E. Elsworth was finally chosen a
 Deputy with a request from brother J. D Parker
that brother Elsworth should be elected Sherif at
the Election, but as to Bro's Geo. A. Smith  E. T. Benson
and myself saying or deciding that bro. Elsworth
should be the candidate we did not, and more
bros smith and Benson are gone, and are not here
to be subject to the officers, but the High Council
are here and they are my legal advisers, and
when they said broth J. C. Wright was the man
to be our sherif, I having dine by duty in
presenting bro. Elsworth name to them, I could
not be seperated from them, but like Adam
when Eve his wife had tasted the forbidden
fruit, said he would also partake there of
and go with her, so I said I would go with
my councillors in this thing for it was not
good that we should be seperated..
    Councillor Geo. W. Harris said the reason of the
   Council taking up brother J. C. Wright was his
offlictions and distress and his low circumstances.
knowing him to be competan and trust-worthy
    Councillor Geo. Coulson said the responsibility
rested upon himself from the fact that he wished
his name taken out of the ticket for commission
and gave  brother Wrights name inserted as he
knew brother Wright circumstances to be indigent,
he being in a way to make something with his
hummer.. On motion the minutes of the last
council was accepted.. Councillor H. W. Miller made
his excuse for abscence the last council.
His excuse was accepted..