
[first pass                             152
[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_164]
                Kanesville Iowa   Aug. 11th 1849
The High Council met persuant to

Adjournment Present of the Councillors
James Allred  Aaron Johnson, Geo. W. Harris
Jacob G. Bigler, Noah S. Bulkley. Ira Oviatte
Geo. Coulson, James Mc Lellean  Lyman Stoddard,
    Pres. Orson Hyde also present and before opening
the Council made some remarks relative to the
coming back to the Church of O. Cowdery..
    Councillor Benson & Snow came in while Prest
Hyde was speaking..
    Prayer by Aaron Johnson..The clerk read the
former minutes,, and they were accepted..
   Prest James Allred spake relative to Bro Younger
Bro Causlino case that was presented before the
other Council,, Remarks by several of the Councillors
on this subject.. The clerk presented, and read
an article on the sale of spirituous liquors
in this county,, many remarks from the Councillors
and others on this subject,, also by PresO. Hyde
who said if this place was not cleansed from corrup-
ting and demoralizing traffick, he should remove
his office from this place..
Prest O> Hyde moved that the High Council app-
oint a man to keep ardents spirits, and sell as
his judgement shall dictate,, seconded by G. W. Harris
   Remarks by Councillor G. Coulson opposing the motion..
The motion was sustained by Councillor Geo. W. Harris
PresO Hyde,, Councillors L. Stoddard, J. G. Bibler.
   Councillor Geo. Coulson proposed that the price be
one dollar per. gallon. presO. Hyde made
some further remarks on this point, and
called for the question,, carried in the affirmative
   Motioned by Councillor Geo. W. Harris that Aaron
Johnson shall be the man to manage the
Liquor business, seconded, & carried in the affirmative