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[ottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21                             /       1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 /  LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_184]
 Councill it wisdom and good policy to try
all in the Valley and here.
     The same with all the rest Councillors
     The clerk presented a bill of items of
Business which was accepted and taken..
      Bro. A. Caulkins was presented introduced to the
Council, and he presented the  case of the branch
at Iowa City, against Sidny Roberts,, said the Branch
then was young, and though, started up and organized
by him, they could not walk with him in the course
he was taking, not only before the church, but also
before the world,, said that  Roberts contrary to the
Book of Doctrine & Covenants, and on the fore
of one of his revelations, had ordained a man in
the night and without the knowledge of the Branch
to the office of an Elder to preside over the
Branch, contrary to the feelings of the Branch, said
Roberts tried to have the branch enter into a covenant
to up hold him in whatever measures he should
adopt, and he further said that Roberts taught the
spiritual wife doctrine, and in such a way as to amount
to adultery,, said that Roberts taught that a man might
have as many wifes as he desired, afterwards denied
teaching such doctrine, and subsequently the same
evening before the  branch confessed that he had taught
it, but said he did not get it from Authority, and
that he had since [===== ] that the man from when

he received it was an apostate, and he found it was
false and he regretted it,, said he confessed and
acknowledged himself in a Error.
     Remarks from several of the Councillors relative
to the course and spirit of Sidney Roberts..
     Councillor Geo. W. Harris moved to with draw the
hand of fellow ship, and that be reported, and
required to come up here and make satisfaction
seconded by Joseph Young and carried..
    A petition from the Welch Brethren relative to timber