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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_118]
Rufus Allen 2nd witness. Testified that R. P. Stewart said
he was ready to furnish the provisions if she Mrs. Glines could have
gone in Franklin Stewarts waggon.. Says the pioneers started
Ellis Eams having R. P. Stewarts gun. At Pawnee Eams
changed guns with Glines.. When Glines retruned Frank-
lin Stewart sent $24 . to R. P. Stewart.. $15 for R. P. Stewarts gun,
and $9 for his brothers to bring him groceries with &c..
he heard F. Stewart say that was what he sent the money
for,, said F. Stewart wrote a letter to the same effect,, says
the gun was traded for cattle,, says F. Stewart stated in
his letter to his Brother he might have the $15, for his
rifle is he was a mind to and if he tho't it better
he might have a share of the cattle when he came on
 3rd witness  Ellis Eames, Testified that on his return he let brother
Glines have brother Stewarts gun as Glines said he
had the privilege from bro Stewart,, which be found on
on his return to be corret ,, says Glines did not go to
the Valley.. Says he understood that when a com-
pany was stoped at Platt River to ferry Pres.
B. Young wanted Glines, should go on and he
would not,, but afterwards he went on and over took
the President and then he sent him back..
     Says Glines, wife was at Bro. R. P. Stewarts
he was gone
4th witness.  Jno. Mails.. Knows nothing concerning the
agreement between  Stewart and Glines.. He went
with Franklin Stewart's team, and when he came
Franklin Stewart and Glines were they had some
for which he understood they had traded some
guns.. Says F. Stewart sent $24 by Glines to his brother..
Glines let F. Stewart some iron.. F. Stewart said if his
family on to the Valley.. He heard F. Stewart and Glines
both say the owned the cattle between them.. Glines bo't
some clothing as he came home, paid $4. for a pair of better Britches