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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_174]
I would if I were you walk out by myself,
and take privileges as other girls do, and
of your parents would not let you I would
have them and go where I could..
Altest                         signed
Vernon H. Bruce             Susan Vale
5th   witness Nathaniel Stuart, said he had seen brother
[=======] at gatherings dances &c [========] was a
stranger to him at that time.. He did think that
[======] took too much liberties in sitting in
the laps of the Ladies, whether his motives were
good or evil he knew not, there was some
close whispering he did not know whether there
was any kissing or not.. Witness did not know
[===========] for sometime , but saw her frequently
with him at the dances,,
6th  Witness, H. C. Ponder, said he had never seen
any of these sun scrapes, neither did
he know anything this young woman of which
had been spoken nor of Mr. Benson's daughter,
neither had he heard anything of them before this..
     Brother Benson then gave in his testimony
stating that the statement of Brother Hyde resprr-
ting this seening [========] it was so, and farther
it was frequently the case that [=======] would
come to the house of [===========] and stay
till a late hour in the night, and he and
his wife would speak about it to each other..
     Benson farther said [=======] had told him,
that he had practiced giving that medicine
before he came unto the Church, to prevent pregnancy
and said he refered to an interview he had had
with a gentleman from Penn. Benson also refered to Mrs.
Vales statments he said hid wife saw [=======] come
with two half breds from the Point to the house of Mr.
[=======] and introduce then there.. We were very much
hurt at this.. Benson said he had seen [=======] with