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[second pass LKA]                          (163)
[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_175]  
those men several times,said the went to Mrs Bes
frequently,, said it was two years ago..
    Joseph K Lane said the winter after the brethren
came here in June,  he came late in the fall..
     Messrs Fleming & Willson were at fathers house most
of the winter,, I went to the rushes with my cattle,
my family lived in the house with Mrs Bateman..
     Joseph D. Lane said that Fleming came to his
house to board about the middle of January,, said    Fleming did not stay at his house many nights
as he kept his horse at Wieks' and he generally
staid there over night..
Bro. Willson said Fleming had not come to
Mr Lanes when he and [=======] went to the rushes
with the cattle..
     Joseph Warthon said Fleming came to Wickes'
to be handy to Mrs. Lane to be doctered by hes the
night after Christmas..
     Joseph H. Lane exeplained, said his family
were at his fathers untill he took his cattle to the
rushes where Willson and [========] were, he was
there about ten days,and [=======] went down
home in the time, was down five days
     Some remarks were made relative to matters that have
never been called forth and adjudicated..
[========] said  he had been informed that Benson
was tried for fellowship by Uncle John Smith before the
Macedonia Branch, and was cut off from the church,
and the Uncle John Smith cursed him, and that Benson
had said that Uncle John was a childish old man and
he did not care for him..
     Bro. Ute Perkins said  he was present at the trial
knew that Benson was cut off from the church but
had no knowledge of Uncle John's cursing him also
said that Benson was restored and baptised into
the Church after wards..