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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_173]  
for water [=======] would frequently meet her and
have much to say to her which gave us much trouble
so much that Mr. Benson had to correct her frequently
Mrs. Benson said her daughter unformed  her that
[========] said to her, if he was in her place,he
would not submit to her fathers  correction, and
advised her to leave our house.. I do not
know that there had been any difficulty between
Mr. Benson and [=======] at that time,, My
girl also said that [=======] said to her, her
parents must be mighty fraid not to let  her
go out without sending some of the children
with her, she said the young woman came to
her when we were gone and wanted she should
go into the woods with [=======] as she had
been with him many times, and he gave
her some bitter apple that prevented and danger..
    Susan Vales testimony was then presented in writing
and read by the clerk..
     Testimony of Susan Vales,, [=========] said
to me that [========] had met her back of the
field and other places sundry times. and did have          dlicit intercourse with her, and to prevent her
becoming pregnant he gave her a medicine called
bitter apple, I asked her if it was bad to take and
she said not. [=======] told me that [=======] reques-
-ted her to prevail with me to visit him at some
place for the same purpose, and that he would give
me some bitter apple to prevent the danger of
pregnancy,, while I was hearing this proposition [======]
passed in sight, at some distance,and [=========]
seening him said'' There he goes now to meet you
as I have said,, [=======] several times uplicied-
ed me for having a child, or one of my little sisters
with me every time that I walked out. Your
parents must be very fearful of you to always send
one of the children with you to guard you..