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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_107]
counselor Miller moved that Brother Hyde dispose
of his lands as he pleases,, Reconded & carried..
  Some remarks concerning the poor also concerning the
document on marriage &c  Council voted that Pres.
O. Hyde & G. A. Smith to act in cased where it is not advisable
to publish marriages.. Council voted that the article
the clerk of the High Council to publish the branch, be
changed to the clerks of the branches, (to wit) the clerk
of the branch where the woman  resides..
     The case if Gabriel botan was called up,, he came
forward to the stand.. The council wanted to know
why he did not comply with Pres. Youngs advice..
     He stated that the principle reason was that his foddn
& was there and all his convenience for winter &c,, not
he had intended to leave from the time that Pres.
Young gave him the advice,,that he had now left
and was settled about a mile above this..
Pres. O. Hyde moved to acquit Mr. cottan,
he be dismissed from the council,, carried,,
       Adjourned 1/2 hour at 2 ocl_
   1/4 to 3 ocl. The council called to order,,
       Pres. O. Hyde presented a case relative to some
money said to have been passed   from Mr.
B. Greemore  to Judson Stoddard..
       Judson Stoddard stated that he sold to Mr Greemore
a pair of [--------]and Mr Greemore  paid, in part,
three pieces of gold which money he carried over
the river, and Mr Bideman  changed one,, but
would not change the others as he did not
believe them good,, Judson Stoddard then
presented the pieces to the Council,,, said Mr.
Wm Hickman saw the money and looked
at it before he received it of Mr. Greemore,,
Mr.Hickman said he saw the money and
was sure one piece was not good before