Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 /
LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_106
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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_106 ]
The following instrument was drawn up by the clerk
and signed b the parties.. It is this day decided by
the municiaple High Council of the Church of Jesus
Christ of L. D. S. that the marriage covenant between
Jacob hatch and Henrietta Hatch be from this
day absolved.. Provided that the said Jacob Hatch
furnish said Henrietta Hatch a good cabin
for six months, also with forty dollars in one
good cow, three hundred weight of good pork
one hundred weight of good flour, twenty bushels
of good corn, and the rest in groceries..
To be furnished as soon as she needs it for use
Done by then mutrial consent,, and
signed Jacob Hatch
Henrietta Hatch
some discussion relative to the case of Gabril
cotton,, Council voted that he be notified to leave
before the next council, or else appear at the
council and give reasons why he has not obeyed
the president advice..
Adjourned till Sat. 15 inst 10 ocl. A. M.
E M Greene cl, p,c
N.K. The Especia council of the 9th April will be found on
the 89 pg. recorded there thro' mistake.. E M Greene recorder
April 15- 1848.. Council met according to previous app't,
Present of the counselors Jas. Allred Ira Oviatt
Wm G. Pakins Wm Draper Wm Snow A. H. Perkins
E M Greene Lyman Stoddard Silas Richards
N W Miller & N.S. Bulkley,, H Hyde, place
was filled by Aaron Johnson,, pres. O Hyde
was present,, Remarks by Pres. Jas. Allred followed
by O. Hyde no Business of the day.. Pres. O. Hyde
wanted an epresion from the council if they
were satisfied for him to dispose of the land he
had purchased to the best advantage he can..