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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_133]
                                 Dec. 16 1848
Counclil met presuant to adjournment in the
school house in Kanesville present of the council
lors James allred  Ira Oviatt  Aaron Johnson
George Coulson  William Snow  Aye Perkins
Geo. W Harris  Lyman Stoddard  Silas Richards
Noah S. Bullley  J. M. Benson.. Council called
to order prayer by Lyman, Silas Richards,, the place
H. W. Miller filled by  Moses Clawson,, Minutes
of the preceding council read accepted
    Pres. O. Hyde the conference held with father
Cutler. Bishop Clakins, & the committee from
Big Grove Branch yesterday, the conferences
continued till 1 ocl. this morning, said father
Cutler manifested a good Spirit all the time
and Pres Hyde tha't him pretty near right..
Bishop Calkins was somewhat stuborn and we
had some hard twists with him,,about 1 ocl, this
morning he finely concluded that we were right in
sending the letter, and we agreed to burn up all
the papers on both sides,, said he wrote a letter of
concileation to the Branch this morning..
   Pres Geo. A. Smith corroborated Bro. Hyde's statement
councillor Coulson moved to acept the report and
approbate the course, seconded by A. H. Perkins,, carried..
   The case of Bro's James Browning and
Ira Oviatt came up, the  council agreed
that one speak on a side.. Thomas
Guyman was chosen to fill the place of
Ira Oviatt in  the council for the day..
   Bro. Oviatt said Bro Browning claimed
a cow which he had possession of , which
bought of James Bevin, in Misouri, and
was to receive her at Muskeeto [Mosquito] Creek  as
she was in the care of John B. Williams, said
Williams agreed to get the cow home as she