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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_198 ]
On motion it was voted that six others
should be named by Prest, O. Hyde to
preside over these social meetings..
   Where upon Prest O Hyde named Joseph
Young   Lyman Stoddard  J. M. Benson,
Benj. Clapp, D. D. Hunt & Chas. M. Johnson
    On motion it was voted that those who
violated the Council be not addmitted in these
social parties untill they make satisfaction..
    The case of Bro. William A. Weston was bro't
up and Bro. Thomas Bateman not being present
Bro. Weston was dismissed..
    The case of Bro. William A. Beebee against
Bro. Hyram  Bostwick, was called up and a
motion made to cut Bro. Bostwick off from
the church,, some reasoning on this point
and on motion it was voted that Bro
Bostwick have four weeks  to meet the Council that
he be notified by the clerk that he may give
notice to Bro W. A. Beebee what time he will
meet him,, and if he does not appear in that
time he shall them be cut off from the church
    Some remarks from Councillor Coulson , relative
to a boy in his branch, also a woman and family,
also some remarks from Bishop Johnson concerning
Henry Miller..
     On motion Henry H. Williams was cut off
from the church for habitual drinkenness and
     On motion council adjourned 2 weeks
at 10 oclock AM to next at this place
                                      E M Greene
                                      cl. H. C.