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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21                             /     1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 /   LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_199 ]
December 8th 1849,, The High Council met
pursuant to adjournment in the school house in
Kanesville.. Councillor Jas. Mc Leallean opened the
council by prayer..
     On motion Councillor N. S. Bulkley was called
upon by vote to give a statement of Jos. Worthans
house claims.. Councillor Bulkley said that Bro.
Worthan claimed a house that was given into
his and Bro. Jacob Myers hands as bishop, on tything
at $5,00.. Councillor Johnson said Bro. Worthan
told him he was to have the house in question when
it was empty..
     On motion this case was laid over to next council
 The following ''copy of a charge'' preferred by Edwqard Mecham
against Joseph Kelly; and the decission '' as rendered by the
quorum of the seventies'' was  presented to the High Council..
   Copy of the charge..
                               '' Bro. Joseph Young Prest of the quorums
of the seventies, I hereby prefer a charge against Joseph Kelly
for beating my body, contrary to the laws of God and
man, for which he has not sought to make any redness,
nor give satisfaction to his brethren.
                                                          Edward Meacham
     After a fair and full investigation, the following decission
was rendered by the chairman,and sanctioned by a
Quorum of sevenites, and the congregation assembled..
                             '' That Bro Joseph Kelly go to Bro Edward
Meacham and confess the wrong, and ask Bro. Meacham
what recompence  will satisfy the Laws of God, and unless
Bro. Joseph Kelly does this, he cannot have the fellowship
of these Quourms,, so saith the spirit that is in me, amen!''
                                                        Joseph Young chairman
Alex mc Rae) Prosenting         Royal Barney
Chas. Bird  )    Council             Alex Whitesides )Defendants
Wm Pitt  )                                  Benj. S. Clapp )  Council
                     David Candland   Sectary