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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_120 ]
Geo. A. Smith 8th witness,, testified that Glines was sent
         back, but he did not know the porticultors ..
      The transfer if Willsons debt from   by Glilnes to
Thorn called up..
Asahel Thorn stated that he and Glines had a job of
building a house for Willson.. The job amounting
to $40, it being, $20, more,,that Glines had made
rails to the amount of $20. more,, said Mr. Willson              agreed to write a note for the rails and leave with
his wife as he was going away,, but refused to
give a not for the other as it was a writen contract
and said Glines order would be as good as a
due bill should he sell it or leave an agent to
collect it,, said the order was given and the whole
account transfered on the 29 of April, 1848,the
order was accepted and the due bill given by Mr.
Willson, by order of Mr. Willson he  having to
Iowa.. On the 8th of June 1848, Mr. Willson had
returned and he called on for his but Mr.
Willson refused to pay the $20. on contract
and order said Mr. Stewart had garnishied
the debt and the trial was to come off in thirty
days,, that before the thirty days were up Mr
Glines had come home the trial had been had
and judgement  in favor of Mr. Stewart..
John B. Willson.. Stated that the garnishee was served
on him before the order was presented,, but the
trial did not come off untill after Mr. Thorn
presented the order,, said he had been notified
by Mr. Eams that the debt was transfered to Mr.
Thorn before he went to Iowa and the garnishee
was served after his return..
Counselor Moses Clawson plead for planiff
       ''         Geo. Clouson           ''         Defendant
                  Erick Glines  spoke in his own defence
                  R. P. Stewart      ''      ''    ''    ''         ''