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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_140]
Pres. O Hyde said that Mr. Molholand did tell
him there had been one piece coined..
    Mr. Molholand said it was not finished, if I told
you it was I was mistaken.
     Pres. Hyde said you told me you would have
nothing more to do with it, this was admitting you
had, had something to do with it..
     Pres. Hyde said I do know, there is a press, and it has
been at the Ferry, I know the shop, and the cornor, and
the Box that contained it,, and Mr. Molholand has
been concerned in it.. There are others who are
connected in it,, not more then twenty miles
down the river.. I know there can put my
hand on them.. Some of party have said
they were willing to give it up but they were
afraid their throats would be cut.. Then said
I for fear your throat will be cut, you with
subject this whole community to the liability of
having all their throats  cut..
     Mr. molholand said he did not consider
it necessary to call on any witness;
he should have something to say when
it was proper..
     Counsellor Silas Richards spake in behalf
of plantif,, showing in a short consise maner
that plantif was correct in the stop, he
had in order to put away iniquity from
our midst..
Counsellor Moses Clawson spake for
Defendant reasoning with much propriety
and exehorting he's client to a reformation
     Defendant said Mr Hyde had told some
of their talks but not Mr. said he fold him
that Messrs Smith & Benson had a press all
but the big screw and wanted to know if
screw would fit their press