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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_189 ]
Bro. Beebee gave particulars relative to Sister
Kinney's coming to keep house for him in
Montrose, and now he moved her up here..
     pres. O. Hyde asked him if they had made
any covenants.. Bro. Beebee said they had had
some such talk, but he tho't that was a matter
of their own, if they make no fuss, and trouble
no one about it..  Pres Hyde said it was some times
other persons business when they had made covenants,
but did not consamate those Covenants, but lived
together as man and wife, it then became
the business of the people, and if the council..
    Sister Kinney gave her statement, said
they had had some talk about getting married
     On being asked by the council if Bro. Beebee
had ever attemted to go to bed to her or she
to go to him she said no..
     Councillor Harris made some remarks
Sister Kinney said she had been counsele'd
to go to Bro. Beebees and that Bro. Harris
had given her that council, said he counsel-
ed her to go there but keep herself clear
from Bro. Beebee, and she had done so..
said she replyed to Bro. Harris at the time
she tho't she knew enough to take care of
herself..  Prest Hyde said he wanted know
if it was the mind of the Council to know the
reasons why those covenants were not cous-
uauated.. Some remarks be Bro. Beebee &c
also by Sister Kinney she said they had
agreed to be married when Bro. Hyde
got home from St. Louis but their business
had been such that they had not been
quite ready to attend to it..
     Remarks from Councillor Bulkley followed
by Councillor Coulson.. He said they might take
their own course, these were two ways marked