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Mormon Battalion Association’s Church History Indexing
A searchable collection of historical records related to the men, women, & children connected with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its Mormon Battalion.
The Kindex® system recognizes the following “X” Persons in this Archive:
x, /William
X, A. E. Dodge
x, A. P. Free
X, Abner Blackburn
x, Abner Chase
x, Alanson Vanfleet
x, Albert
X, Amos Cox X 4 00
X, arza E. Hinckley
x, Benjamin C. Ellsworth
x, Benjamin Maggard
x, C. Wilson
x, Calvin Bingham
x, Catlin
x, Charles
x, Charles Y Webb
x, Chas
x, Christopher D Putney
x, Christopher Layton
x, Daniel S Lockhard
x, David
x, David Fred[e]rick
x, David Moss
x, David Pulcifer
x, David Young
X, Davis James
x, Eaphraim Green
x, Ebenezer
x, Ebenr
x, Edmund Nelson
x, Edward D Wade
x, Edward Hunter
x, Edward Thompson
x, Edwd Horace Davis
x, Elijah Allen
x, Elijah Thomas
X, Elisha Everritt
x, Elizabeth [Cooper] Pixton
X, exertation
x, Ezra H Allen
x, Ezra H. -
x, Follett
x, Foster Curtis
x, Frances Brown
x, Francis
x, Francis Holmen
x, Francis Williams
x, Franklin Allen
x, George [Washington] Cummings
x, George [Washington] Hancock
x, George Colson
x, George Gates
X, George S Clark
x, George Scofield
X, George Sullou Alexander Brown
x, Gerre Putney
x, Gideon D Wood
x, Gilbert Bickmore
x, Harry Dalton Pd 10.00
x, Hayward Thomas
x, Henderson Cox
x, Henry Boyle
x, Henry G Sherwood
x, Henry Johnson
x, Henry Mc Arthur
x, Henry W. Bigler
x, Hezekiah Peck
x, Hyrum Judd
x, Hyrum Olmstead
x, Ira Coloshier
x, Isaac Chase
x, Isaac Peck
x, Isaiah M Call
x, Jacob
x, Jacob Wilder
x, James
x, James Baily
x, James Bevan
X, James Camp
x, James Clift
x, James Douglass
x, James Hendrickson
x, James L Thompson
x, James M Putney
x, James Myler
x, James N Williams
X, James Pearsons Glines
x, James R Allred
x, James W
x, Jane [Draper] Bulkley
x, Jephtha Condit
x, Jeremiah Bingham
x, Jesse Shafer
x, Jesse W Johnston
x, Joel J Terrell
x, John
x, John [McCann] Bybee
x, John A
x, John A[?nthony] Woolf
x, John Adams Demitted
X, John Brimhall
x, John Brown
X, John E. Fosgreen
x, John F
x, John Fife
x, John Lawson
x, John P Wriston
x, John Porter
x, John Ritter
x, John Robinson
x, John S Bryant
x, John S White
x, John T.
x, John Thomson
x, John Watts
X, Johnathan
x, Jonathan Pugmire
x, Joseph Dobson
x, Joseph W Richards
x, Josiah
x, Josiah Arnold
x, Josiah Curtis
x, Kelsey
x, L. F.
x, Levi Stewart
x, Levi Savage
x, Lorenzo
x, Lorenzo Babcock
X, Lorenzo Brown
X, Lorenzo Clark
x, Lorenzo F Harmon
x, Luther W Flazen
x, Margaret [Robison] Phelps
x, Marvin S Blanchard
x, Mary Ann
x, Mary her
x, Mathew Wilcox
X, Matthew Mansfield
x, Maxwell
x, Mesieck
x, Milton Smith
x, Moses Wade
X, N. W.
x, Nathan P. Thomas
X, Nathan Thomas
x, Nathaniel V.
x, Newn
x, Oliver
x, Oliver H
x, Orin Hatch
X, Oyler Melcher
x, Peter Lemon
x, Peter S Taylor
x, Phares Wells
x, Philander
x, Philip Etterman
x, Phillip Ettleman
x, Philo Allen
X, Phoebe
x, Pug noa
x, Richard
x, Richard A Ivy
x, Richard J Landers
x, Robert
x, Robert C Eggbert
x, Robert Holmes
x, Ruban Allred [ReubenW.Allred]
X, Rueben Middleton
x, Samuel
x, Samuel Badham
x, Samuel Lewis
x, Samuel Sander
x, Sanford Porter Jr
x, Shadriach Holdaway
X, Sharp Albert
x, Simon Dykes
x, Solomon Chamberlin
X, Steele John
x, Stephen Markham
x, Stephen] White
x, Stephens Snr
x, T. Whitney
x, T.A. KNowlton
x, Teinsx
x, Tho[ma]s Kirk
X, Thomas Bingham
x, Thomas Grover
x, Thomas Morris
x, Thomas Morse
x, Thomas Richmond
x, Thomas Spears
x, Thomas Weir
x, Thorit Peck
x, Timothy Hoyt
x, W.
x, W. J.
x, W. S.
x, Walter
X, Wilkins
x, William
x, William Castoe
X, William E. McLelland
x, William Middleton
X, William W Rust
x, William W. Willis
X, Witing Almon
x, X X
X, yes -
X., Abbott Joshua
X., Alfred Higgins
X., Allred James T.
X., Allred Reuben
X., Alva caulkins
X., Amanda Star
X., Beckstead William
X., Brown Jesse S.
X., Carpenter William H.
X., Clark Albert
X., Daniel
X., Daniel brown
x., Daniel Spencer Elisha H Groves
X., David Frederick
X., Douglass Ralph
X., Durphey Francillo
X., Edmund
X., Eli B. Hewitt
X., Gould John
X., Harry Dalton
X., Hess John W.
X., Isaac
X., James
X., James Brown
X., James C Earl
X., James M.
X., John Cazier
X., Johnson Jarvis
X., Joseph Skeen
X., Judson A.
X., Kernes Thomas
X., Lieut.
X., Park William A.
X., Philemon C.
X., Richard Brazier Sergt
X., Samuel
X., Sergeant
X., Shoup Andrew J.
X., Smith John G.
X., Smith Richard D.
X., Stillman Albert
X., Stillman Dexter
X., Terril Joel J.
X., William R. Tubbs
X10, Edwin M Peck
X20, Daniel B Rawson
X20, Juthathan Averett
X20, Luther Tuttle
X20, William Coon
X25, John R Clawson
X28, Charles Perrin
x5, John Calvert
Xhis, Edward
xxxx, Bro Samuel xxxx xxxxx
xxxxxx, Getting
xxxxxx, xxxxxx
xxxxxxx, Capt
xxxxxxx, Daniel Russel
xxxxxxx, William W.
xxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx