Mormon Battalion Association’s Church History Indexing

A searchable collection of historical records related to the men, women, & children connected with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its Mormon Battalion.

The Kindex® system recognizes the following “W” Persons in this Archive:
W, 5 Geo
W, A.
W, Allred Rueben
W, Almon
W, Avaritte Elisha Hudson W Hudson
W, Bean Geo
W, Binley John
W, Bro
W, Brother
W, Brown George
W, Brown William
W, Calvin
W, Catlin George
W, Chanry
W, Chapin Samuel
W, Charles
W, Chas
W, Cook Phineas
W, Cowles Amasa
W, Crosby J
W, Davis Charles
W, Davis Joseph
W, Davis Lewis
W, Edw'd
W, Edward
W, Edward Hunter Wm G Gerkins & Wm
W, Elizabeth
W, Ellen
W, Esra
W, falton
W, Feb W.
W, Fleming Josiah
W, Fox Jesse
W, Foy George
W, Frederick
W, Garr Able
W, George
W, George Miller
W, George N Crowley
W, George,
W, Glazier Luther
W, H.
W, Harvey Wells W 1/2
W, Henry
W, Henry Garrett W 1/2
W, Hess John
W, Hiram
W, Horack K
W, Hyrum
W, J.
W, James
W, James E Roberts
W, James Kibby Geo
W, Jeanette Carry Plimpton
W, Jefferson Hunt Geo
W, Jesse
W, John
W, John Graham
W, John Williams
W, Johnston Jesse
W, Joseph
W, Joseph Nuda
W, Josephs vieus
W, Josiah
W, Lambeth Cary
W, Leiut Geo
W, Lemmon James
W, Levi
W, Lieut Wm
W, Lorenzo
W, Luther
W, Majr Emory
W, McCord John
W, Moses
W, Noble Angeline
W, Norton Jno
W, Peter
W, Rebecca
W, Richards Samuel
W, Riter William
W, Russell Willoam
W, Rust William
W, Samuel Sprangler
W, Shupe James
W, Sparks George
W, Stephen
W, Tho
W, Thomas
W, Thomas Dehart
W, Thomas James
W, Tu 24
W, Vance J
W, Vanetten Elisha
W, W.
W, Warren
W, Wilford
W, William
W, Willis William
W, Wm
W., Abel
W., Albert
W., Alger Eli
W., Allred Ruben
W., Andrew
W., Anna
W., Betsy
W., Binley John
W., Brown William
W., C.
W., Callahan Thomas
W., Callahan Thos
W., Calvin
W., Calysta
W., Casper William
W., Chancy William Almond
W., Channey
W., Charles
W., Chidester Samuel Pollock W.
W., Cox H.
W., D.
W., E. D.
W., Edmund
W., Esther
W., G.
W., George
W., Glazier Luther
W., Granville
W., H.
W., Haden
W., Hancock George
W., Hancock Levi
W., Hardy Leonard
W., Henry
W., Hess John
W., Hyrum
W., Hyrum Smith S.
W., J.
W., James
W., Jesse
W., John
W., Johnston Jesse
W., Joseph
W., Justis
W., Lather
W., Levi
W., Lieut W.
W., Lucy
W., Luther
W., Martin G.
W., Meryl
W., N.
W., N. K
W., N. K.
W., O.
W., Orson
W., P. B.K.
W., Peter
W., Phelps W.
W., Polly
W., Porter Chancy
W., Porter Lyman
W., Reuben
W., S.
W., Samuel
W., Samuel Rolfe S
W., Sarah A.
W., Silas Richards,9 H.
W., Sister
W., Slade George
W., Spencer
W., Stevens Emma E.
W., T.
W., Thomas
W., W.
W., W. N.
W., W. Still
W., Walter
W., Willam
W., William
W., Wind
W., Wind N.
W., Wm
W.', J.
W.D., Dalton
W.H., Kendrick
W.J., Martin
W.M., Hyrum Smith
W.Miller, Henry
W.O., Jacobine
W.P., Ravel
W.R., Bradford
W.R., Convenence
W.S., Dewele W Symons
W.S., Strong
W.S.Marcy, Hon
W.W., Casper William
W.W., Edward Partridge
W.W., Hooker
W’m, Isaac Chase
W’m, James Douglas
W[allace, William
W[ashington, George
W[ells, William
W[illiam, Carpenter
W[illiam, Garner
W[illiam, Honl
W[illiam, William
W1/2, Martin Yetter
Wacher, Andrew
Wacken, William
Waddel, Archibald
Waddell, Arcd
Waddell, Archabald
Waddell, Archd
Waddell, Archibald
Wade, Edward
Wade, Edward D
Wade, Edward D.
Wade, Elanson
Wade, Martha S
Wade, Menervia
Wade, Mosed
Wade, Moses
Wade, Sally M
Wade, Sarah M
Wadley, Thirston Simpson Thomas
Wadsworth, Alijah
Wadsworth, J.
Wadsworth, Pratt Anson Herman Elijah
Wadsworth, William
Wagener, John Van
Wageoner, David Van
Waggon, Reynolds
Waggon, Willis
Waggonen, Van
Waggoner, John Van
Wagner, David
Wagoner, Van
Wagoner, Van Wagoner Van
Wagstaff, James
Wail, Mary Jane
Wail, Thomas
Wainwright, Alfred
Wait, Jacob
Wait, John
Wakeaeller, J.A.
Wakefield, Byrum W Mary E
Wakefield, Clapper Mathias Deannah
Wakefield, John
Wakefield, John F
Wakefield, John F.
Wakefield, Susanna
Wakefield, Thomas
Wakefield, William Mary
Wakeley, John N
Wakely, John
Wakely, John N Wakely
Wakely, John V
Wakes-, John A.
Walber, Eareckson
Waldo, George Snow Samuel
Waldron, Benjamin
Waldron, Benjamin Waldron
Waldron, Hamilton J.G. A
Waldron, James
Waldron, Shaw Henry C Jane
Wales, Carmarthan Shire
Wales, Carmenthershire
Walier, Alexander
Walier, Hannah
Walier, Mary
Walier, Mary G.
Walier, Thomas
Walker, Alexander
Walker, Ansel
Walker, Anthony Elizabeth
Walker, Barnett Edwin D Sarah
Walker, Barney
Walker, Bishop
Walker, Bp
Walker, Cap
Walker, Captn
Walker, Carter Joseph W Rachel
Walker, Catharine
Walker, Charles
Walker, Chauncey
Walker, David
Walker, E. R.
Walker, Edward R.
Walker, Edwin
Walker, Edwin x
Walker, Elizebeth
Walker, George
Walker, H.
Walker, Hensen
Walker, Henson
Walker, Higbee Henson
Walker, Hugh
Walker, James
Walker, James Kay Baldwin Gideon Gibbs Henson
Walker, James Mary Jane
Walker, John
Walker, John 1 Lorin
Walker, John B
Walker, John B.
Walker, Johnston Jesse
Walker, Kimball Lucy
Walker, Loren
Walker, Louisa Bingham
Walker, Mary
Walker, Murphy W.S. B
Walker, Olive
Walker, Olmstead Joshua Mary
Walker, R.J.
Walker, Richard
Walker, William
Walker, William Loren Farr
Walker, William William
Walker, Wm C.
Walker's, Paymaster
Walkere, James
Walkers, John B.
Wall, Doby
Wall, John Mary
Wall, Nancy
Wall, William
Wall, William Madison
Wallac's, Bro
Wallace-, George P
Wallace, Amos
Wallace, B.
Wallace, Charles
Wallace, G. B.
Wallace, GB
Wallace, Geo
Wallace, George B
Wallace, George B.
Wallace, George Y.
Wallace, Inez C.
Wallace, James
Wallace, Jas
Wallace, Matthew Elizabeth
Wallace, Melisa M
Wallace, Pioneer George B
Wallace, Sarah
Wallace, Sarah M
Wallace, Walter Emeline
Wallace, William
Wallar, Wm
Wallden, Joel M
Wallden, Rachel
Wallen, William
Waller, Elizabeth
Waller, Genl C.C.
Waller, H.
Waller, Richard
Wallis, George B.
Wallis, Joshua
Walohon, Benjn
Walsh, John
Walsworth, Wm
Walter, Stringham
Walton, Alfred
Walton, Darwin
Walton, James
Walton, John
Walton, Lieut
Walton, Mary
Walton, Mary an
Walton, Maryan
Walton, Sarah
Walton, Waldo D.
Walton's, W. P.
wan, st
Wanans, Thomas Mary Matilda
Wandall, C.W.
Wandell, W
Wandell, Wesley
Wane, Caroline Barney
Waneger, Alvin
Wann, Susan
War, Mormon Battn - Mex
Ward, Alfred
Ward, Ann
Ward, Cottonwood
Ward, Edward
Ward, Elizabeth
Ward, George
Ward, George M
Ward, Isabella
Ward, Jemimah
Ward, Levi
Ward, Lucy
Ward, Mary
Ward, Melissa J. L Center
Ward, Moroni
Ward, Ogden
Ward, Richard F
Ward, Thomas
Ward, William A.
Wardboro, Eliza T. N.
Wardell, John
Warden, Hezekiah
Warden, J.
Warden, John
Warden, S.
Wardle, Franklin G. *
Wardle, George
Wardle, George Wardle
Wardle, John
Wardmouth, Monk
Wardrop, Robert
Wards, Said
Wardsworth, Hannah Lee
Wardsworth, William
Ware, Abisha
Ware, Enoch M Mary
Ware, J. J.
Ware, Walker
Ware, William G.
Wareham, James
Wareham, James Wakeham
Wareham, Sackett Jas
Waren, Markham
Warner, Albert
Warner, Charles
Warner, Delila
Warner, James
Warner, John Alice W
Warner, Lieut
Warner, Lieut W. H.
Warner, M. W.
Warner, Mary
Warner, Ordain Orange
Warner, Porter Chancey
Warner, Solomon
Warner, Thomas Sword W.H.
Warner, W.H.
Warner, William
Warner, William H.
Warrant, Burnhiser Jy 23/50
Warrant, Said
Warrants, John Scotts Case -
Warren, Caroline
Warren, Catharine
Warren, Clark
Warren, Foote
Warren, James
warren, John w
Warren, Joseph
Warren, Lorenzo D
Warren, Ute Anne
Warrent, Bounty Land
Warrent, E. M. Green cl--------
Warrick, Abraham Boswell Thomas
Warrick, Calystall
Warrick, Louisa
Warrick, Louisa Taylor
Warrick, Thomas
Warriner, Channey
Warrington, Benjamin
Warrington, Benjn
WarringtonPeturued, Benjamin
Warringtons, Benjemin
Warson, Lorenzo D
Warson, Lorenzo D.
Warthan, Br
Warthan, Brother
Warthan, Hasepa
Warthan, Joseph
Warthang, Joseph
Warthen, John
Warthon, Joseph
Warthorn, Joseph
Was, Joel H. Johnson
Wash, Br[adier Gen.] Jones Adjt Gen. U.S.A.
Washakie, Dick
Washam, David
Washbourn, Abraham Washbourn Tamer
Washburn, Abraham
Washburn, Amy Jane
Washburn, Daniel
Washburn, Mary Ann
Washburn, Susanah
Washington, Carson
Washington, George
Washington, H. C. B.
Washington, Perkins George
Washington, Sarah J.
Washington, Thomas
Wassem, Jonathan
Wasson, Duncan Joseph Catharine
Wasson, L.D.
Wasson, William Clara M
Wassorn, Elizabeth
wat, Cooke
Watch, Bro Rockwells
Waterberry, Charles
Waterhall, Joseph
Waterhall, Josh
Waterman, Phelps W.
Waterman, William
Waterson, Margaret
Waterson, William
Watertown, Samuel
Watherall, Josh
Wathon, Joseph
Watkin, Jacob
Watkins, 900
Watkins, Emily
Watkins, James
Watkins, Julia
Watkins, William
Watkins, Wm
Watkns, William
Wato, John F.
Watson, Clement C.
Watt, Broither George
Watt, D.
Watt, George
Watt, George D
Watt, George D.
Watt, Jacob Scott George D.
Watt, John
Watt, Mary
Watt, Robert
Watt's, John
Watter, Simion
Watterman, Phelps Wm
Wattis, Edman
Wattis, Edmund
Wattis, Edward
Wattis, John
Wattis, Solomon E. Case John
Watton, James
Watton, Mary
wattr, Sweet
Watts, Edison
Watts, Elizabeth
Watts, John
Watts, Miles
Watts, Muster John
Watts, Robert
Watts, Sarah
Watts, William
Watts, Wm . H.
Waugh, George P
Waugh, Waugh Geo P
Way, Dorothy Charles Margaret
Wayne, Amos W Haws
Wayne, Caleb W Haws
Wayne, Emma S Haws
Wayne, Francis M Haws
Wayne, George W Haws
Wayne, Illeg]odas
Wayne, Lenona
Wayne, Mary O Haws
Wayre, Abish
Wayre, Abisha
Wayre, Abishya
Weakley, Maryann Temporance Dorrity
Wealch, Mathew 88
Wealthy, N. Eng
Weatherbee, Harrison
Weatherbie, Jacob
Weatherby, Jacob
Weatherby, Maryan
Weatherby, Sabra
Weatherby's, Jacob
Weathrb, Jacob
Weaver, Abram
Weaver, Adam
Weaver, Barnabas
Weaver, F.
Weaver, Franklin
Weaver, Franlkin
Weaver, George
Weaver, Gilbert
Weaver, Marinda B.
Weaver, Martha
Weaver, Miles
Weaver, Powell
Weaver, Sarah Elizabeth Holmes
Webb, Ann
Webb, Belinda
Webb, C. G.
Webb, Chancy G.
Webb, Charles
Webb, Charles G.
Webb, Charles W
Webb, Charles Y
Webb, Chas
Webb, Chas Y.
Webb, Chauncey G
Webb, Chauncy G.
Webb, David
Webb, E. C.
Webb, E. M.
WEbb, Edward M
Webb, Eliza
Webb, Emma Stokes
Webb, J.G.
Webb, John
Webb, Lorenzo
Webb, Margaret
Webb, Miles
Webb, Myself Charles y
Webb, Myself Charles Y.
Webb, Ruben Elizabeth
Webb, Said Charles Y.
Webb, Sarah
Webb, Snow Lorenzo
Webber, Caroline
Weber, Anna
Weber, LaKay M.
Weber, Mary Hannah
Weber, Melvin
Weber, Porter John Praire
Weber, Prairie
Weber, S.
Weber, Unna
Webster, Dwight
Webster, Esther F
Webster, Francis
Webster, John
Webster, Joseph
Wedding, Anderson John B Mary Eliza
Wedding, Elijah Eleanor
Wedding, John Elizabeth
Wedens, Kittlemans
Wedensd, waggon
Wedesd, Glover
wee, ben
Wee, Souldirs prievided
Weeakes, Melvin Wilbur Allen
Weed, Eli
Weeden, William
Weekes, Warren
Weekes, William
Weeks, Allen
Weeks, Almira
Weeks, Br Allen
Weeks, Caroline Matilda Allen
Weeks, Helen D.
Weeks, Joseph H Young 1 Wm
Weeks, Mary Elmina
Weeks, Melissa
Weeks, William
Weeks, William F.
Weethorbee, Jacob
Weilaar, Tanner Thomas
Weiler, Anna Maria Malin
Weiler, Catherine
Weiler, Chauncey
Weiler, Elijah M
Weiler, Elijah Malin
Weiler, Emily Precindia Crismon
Weiler, Jacob
Weiler, Jacob Weiler
Weiler, Jacob Meiler[or
Weiler, Joseph
Weiler, Lydia Ann
Weiler, Maria
Weiler, Mariah
Weimer, Peter
Weinel, John
Weinel, Priest Elder
Weir, Elizabeth C.
Weir, Thomas
Weir, Thoms
Weird[sp, Thomas
Weirrick, Lieut
Weirrick, W.K.
Welbourn, Ann
Welbourn, Frederick
Welbourn, George Robinson Frederick
Welch, Agnew Joseph B Maryann
Welch, Ann
Welch, Eliza
Welch, Elizabeth
Welch, Emons John Sarah Ann
Welch, Henry
Welch, James Madison
Welch, John
Welch, M.
Welch, Madison
Welch, Nicholas
Welch, Sarah M.
Welch, William
Welcher, John
Welcome, J. Young 4
Weld, John F.
Welden, Br
Welden, J.
Weldon, Joel
Welker, Ann
Welker, C.
Welker, James W.
Welker, John :
well, Emeline
Well's, D. H.
Wellden, Joel M
Welldin, Joel M
Weller, Charles
Welles, Elizbeth
Welles, Mary J
Welles, William T
Wellington, Joseph
Wellington, Ruth
Wellis, Docia
Wellis, Joshua Thomas
Wells, Brigham Young Daniel H.
Wells, Bro John
Wells, Brs Montague
Wells, Catharine
Wells, copa
Wells, D. H.
Wells, D.H.
Wells, Daniel H
Wells, Daniel H.
Wells, Danl H.
Wells, Emily J
Wells, Ferris
Wells, Heber M.
Wells, Henry
Wells, James W Catharine C
Wells, Jane
Wells, Jo Ann
Wells, John
Wells, Jonathan
Wells, Jonathan S
Wells, Jonathan T.
Wells, Louisa
Wells, M. Miles M.
Wells, Mariah Wells Evaline
Wells, Maricopa
Wells, Maricops
Wells, Mary
Wells, Mary E
Wells, McGregor Malcolm Maria E
Wells, otha
Wells, Otho
Wells, P.B.
Wells, Phares
Wells, Rachael
Wells, Robert
Wells, Setephen Robert
Wells, Tharez
Wells, Thomas Mary E
Wells, Thyrus
Wellsville, Amanda T. N.
Welsh, Albert
Welsh, Madison
Welsh, Moses
Welsh, Nathan 31
Welster, Joseph
Welt, Charles
Welthy, Higgins
Welton, Kesiah
Welton, Mikah B
Welton, Rachel A Lowley
Welton, Sarah Elizabeth
Wemmer, Br
Wen, William
Wenger, Muir
Went, wilson
Wentworth, Baptised Br
Wentworth, Jesse
Werring, Joseph
Wesley, Adair
Wesley, Asais
Wesley, Binley John
Wesley, Charles
Wesley, John
Wesley, Lorenzo
Wesley, Stewart James
Wesley, Williams
Wesly, Adair
West, Adelia Maria
west, Albert G Fellows
West, Alvah
West, Benj
West, Benjamin
West, C. W.
West, Chancy W.
West, Charllotte Amelia
West, Chauncey Walker
West, David
West, Ezra Vincent
West, Ira E
West, Ira E.
West, Israel Barlow Nathan A
West, Jesse
West, John
West, Julia Anne
West, Lucey Ann
West, Lydia
West, Mary
West, Miles
West, N.
West, Nathan
West, Ormus E. Bates Alva
West, Peter Conover Samuel
West, Samantha C. Far
West, Samuel
West, Sucey Ann
West, Ten Chancey
West, W.
West, William C.
West, Wind N.
West, Winds N.
Western, Joel
Westgate, Luman Maygretta M
Westherby, Jacob
Weston, Esgr
Weston, H. A.
Weston, Isaac N
Weston, Jane
Weston, Joseph
Weston, Joseph Grover Elijah Witson William A.
Weston, Maria
Weston, Phebe
Weston, Sally Ferrin
Weston, Samuel
Weston, Sarah
Weston, William
Weston, William A
Weston, William A.
Westover, Ann
Westover, Carles
Westover, Chas
Westwood, Philip M.
wet, Br Stewarts
Wetherbee, Amanda
Wetherbee, Bro
Wetherbee, Jac
Wetherbee, Lydia Ann
Wetherbee, Mary Ann
Wetherbee, Oliver
Wetherbee, Sabra C.
Wetherby, Charles
Wetherby, Jacob
Wetherell, | Hannah
Wetherhall, Joseph
Wetherly, Jacob
Wetton, Micah B.
Wha, James
Whakely, John
Whale, Thomas
Whaley, Abigail
Whaley, James
Whaley, James 11 Allen
whalt, thou
Wharthan, commisory J.
Wharton, Maj
Wharton, Mojor
Wharton, William
Whas, Br John King
Whatley, Wade Hiram Mariah
whe, callifornia
whe, Sh-
Whealer, John
Wheat, 1 Bu
Wheat, 1⁄2 Bu W
Wheat, 3⁄4 Bu W
Wheat, Bazel Young 1 Bu W
Wheat, Bu
Wheat, Buck
Wheat, Bushel
Wheat, p Buck
Wheaton, Jane
Wheden, William
Wheeler, Ammon
Wheeler, Aunt
Wheeler, Baldwin
Wheeler, Benjamin
Wheeler, Charles Y.
Wheeler, Elizabeth
Wheeler, Elvira G.
Wheeler, Elvira T
Wheeler, Emma
Wheeler, enry
wheeler, fr
Wheeler, Harry
Wheeler, Henry
Wheeler, James
Wheeler, John
Wheeler, John Young, Harriet Page
Wheeler, John Wheeler
Wheeler, John D.
Wheeler, John G.
Wheeler, John L
Wheeler, John L.
Wheeler, John S.
Wheeler, Joseph S
Wheeler, Lucy
Wheeler, Lucy Ellis
Wheeler, Lucy I
Wheeler, M.
Wheeler, Madison
Wheeler, Margaret
Wheeler, Martha
Wheeler, Merril W
Wheeler, Nathan
Wheeler, Rogers Theodore
Wheeler, Sarah
Wheeler, Susanna K
Wheeler, Thomas
Wheeler, Uriah Roundy
Wheeler, William W
Wheelock, C. Williams Allen Whaley Cyrus H
Wheelock, G.H.
Wheelock, H.
Wheelock, Martin Cyrus
Wheelock, Sister
Wheelocks, Cyrus
Wheller, Henry A
Whelock, Charles
Whelock, Gifford Mary J.
Whelock, James K.
when, T. W. Cox -
Wherdon-, W. E.
whi, mostley timberd through
Whight, James
Whild, Ellen Maria M.
Whild, Emma
Whild, Henry
Whild, Sarah
Whild, Thomas
Whilest, Moyoney
Whilock, Brother
Whimer, John
Whinterbottom, Thomas Mary
Whintey, N.K.
Whipple, Amos
Whipple, Colson
Whipple, E.
whipple, edson
Whipple, Fort
Whipple, Jane
Whipple, Jeruah
Whipple, Junr Edson
Whipple, Mary
Whipple, N. W.
Whipple, Nelson
Whipple, Nelson Wheeler
Whipple, Susan Jane
Whipple, Thomas
Whiston, Mary
Whitacer, Donisa
Whitaker, Martha
Whitaker, Thomas 43 Moses
Whitbrad, William
Whitchead, William
Whitcobe, Joel
Whitcomb, Alchimist
Whitcomb, Aloovah B.
Whitcomb, babtized Caroline
Whitcomb, Caroline
Whitcomb, Catherine
Whitcomb, Joel
Whitcomb, Sophronia
Whitcombe, Joel
Whitcome, Joel
Whitcum, Joel
White, Abigail
White, Charles
White, Clark
White, Cynthia
White, Daniel
White, David
White, Dennis
White, Ebenezer
White, Eliza
White, Elnora Sarah
White, Ephraim A
White, George Sophia
White, Henry
White, Ira
White, Isaac Clark Celestia
White, James
White, Jary
White, John
White, John Casto Joseph
White, John G.
White, John J Lurencey
White, John L.
White, John S
White, John S.
White, John Wakely Saria
White, Joseph
White, Joseph Stearns
White, Julia Johnson Absalom Perkins | Mary Johnson Aaron Holden | Esther M Johnson David
White, L
White, Laura
White, Lovenda
White, Lucinda
White, Lucinda E
White, Lyman
White, Maria
White, Mary
White, Merrill W.
White, Moses
White, Nancy
White, R.W. G.
White, Rebecca
White, Robert
White, Ruby
White, Saml
White, Samuel
White, Samuel D.
White, Sisr Ann
White, Susan S.
White, Thomas
White, William
White, William 86
Whitehead, Br James
Whitehead, Bro
Whitehead, J.
Whitehead, James
Whitehead, Jas
Whitehead, William
Whiteker, James
Whiteman, Milton Jane
Whiteny, N.K.
Whiters, William
Whiteside, Alexander
Whitesides, 3 Alen
Whitesides, Alex
Whitesides, Alexander
Whitesides, Cornelia Jane
Whitesides, Isaiah
Whitesides, Margaret Whitesides Catherine E.D.
Whitesides, Mark
Whitesides, Sarah
Whitesides, Simon R
Whithead, Albert Gregory William
Whithey, N.K.
Whitin, Israel
Whiting, Alma
Whiting, Alma [Almon]
Whiting, Almon
Whiting, C.
Whiting, Chancy
Whiting, Chauncy
Whiting, Edmond
Whiting, Edmund
Whiting, Edwin
Whiting, Elizabeth
Whiting, Frances
Whiting, Hannah Peck
Whiting, Myron
Whiting, N. K.
Whiting, Richard
Whiting, Sally
Whiting, Sara E.
Whiting, Thomas
Whiting, William
Whitiny, N.K.
Whitle, Thomas
Whitling, Richard
Whitlock, Andr
Whitlock, Andrew
Whitlock, Andrew Hiram
Whitlock, B. Rogers Mary J
Whitlock, Br
Whitlock, Charles
Whitlock, Edward
Whitlock, Elizabeth
Whitlock, Hannah
Whitlock, Hannah C
Whitlock, Harvy
Whitlock, James F
Whitlock, John Lamoreaux Andrew
Whitlock, Nancy M
Whitlock, Nancy Maria
Whitlock, Sarah Ann
Whitlock, Thursay Milinda
Whitmer, Aaron
Whitmer, Adolphus Chapin
Whitmer, Aldridge Harrison
Whitmer, Aldridge Mary
Whitmer, Beebee George
Whitmer, C.C. Rich
Whitmer, Charles Dolten
Whitmer, Chase Mary
Whitmer, Clarissa Chapin
Whitmer, Daniels Nephi
Whitmer, David
Whitmer, Dibble Sidney
Whitmer, Eggleston Esther
Whitmer, Eliza Ann
Whitmer, Follett John
Whitmer, Granger Sarah
Whitmer, H.C. Kimball
Whitmer, Hunt Charles
Whitmer, Ira Smith
Whitmer, Jackman Ami
Whitmer, John
Whitmer, Martha
Whitmer, Mills Rhoda
Whitmer, Nancy
Whitmer, notes]Peck Mary
Whitmer, Peck Elizabeth
Whitmer, Peck Henrietta
Whitmer, Peck Hezekiah
Whitmer, Peck Joseph
Whitmer, Peck Malvina V.
Whitmer, Peck Mary
Whitmer, Peck Phebe W.
Whitmer, Peter
Whitmer, Peter Jun.
Whitmer, Pitkin George W.
Whitmer, Reed Peck
Whitmer, Sarah
Whitmer, Susannah
Whitmer, Thomas B Marsh David
Whitmer, Whitlock Harvey
Whitmer, Willard Polly
Whitmer, Willard Alonzo
Whitmer, Willard David jun.
Whitmer, Willard Polly
Whitmer, Willard Samuel
Whitmer, William R.
Whitmer, Zemira
Whitmers, David
Whitmore, Hezekiah
Whitney, Alderman Newel K
Whitney, Alonzo
Whitney, Alonzo W.
Whitney, B.
Whitney, B. N.
Whitney, B. N. K.
Whitney, Bishop
Whitney, Br
Whitney, Bro
Whitney, Bro N. K.
Whitney, C.L.
Whitney, Corrill
Whitney, D. G.
Whitney, E.W.
Whitney, Edson
Whitney, Elizabeth Ann
Whitney, F.
Whitney, F. T.
Whitney, Fancis T.
Whitney, Francis
Whitney, Francis T
Whitney, Francis T.
Whitney, Francus T
Whitney, H. K.
Whitney, Harriet
Whitney, Holman John
Whitney, Horace
Whitney, Horace G.
Whitney, Horace K
Whitney, Jacob Weiler Horace K.
Whitney, John D Lee F T
Whitney, John L.
Whitney, K.
Whitney, Lyman
Whitney, M. K.
Whitney, Margaret Jane
Whitney, Messr Newel K
Whitney, Messrs
Whitney, Milller
Whitney, N.
Whitney, N. K.
Whitney, N. R.
Whitney, N.<
Whitney, N.K
Whitney, N.K.
Whitney, Newel H.
Whitney, Newel K
Whitney, Newel K.
Whitney, Newell K
Whitney, Nowel H.
Whitney, O. K.
Whitney, Orson
Whitney, Orson K
Whitney, Orson K.
Whitney, P Land Newel K
Whitney, Pioneer Samuel A
Whitney, Samuel H.
Whitney, Samuel West Francis T
Whitney, Sarah Ann
Whitney, Sister
Whitney, Spencer N. K.
Whitney, Stephen
Whitney, Stephen H. Goddard Orson K.
Whitney, W. K.
Whitney, William Clayton N. K.
Whitney, WK
Whitney's, Bishop
Whitney's, F. T.
Whitney's, N. K.
Whitneys, Orson Whitney N.K.
Whitrees, William
Whitriss, William
Whittaker, Eveline Parsons Robinson
Whittaker, George
Whittaker, Isaac
Whittaker, Sophia
Whittecar, Isaac
Whittey, Tom
Whittington, Melton Henry Lovany
Whittington, WW
Whittle, Edmond
Whittle, Thomas
Whittock, Nancy C Stewart Sarah J Blackburn Mary E Stewart Andrew
Whitworth, Benjamin
Whitworth, John S.
Whitworth, Robert
Whitworth, Robert W.
Whitworth, Robert Walton
Whitworth's, Robert
Whley, Coock
Whmmer, Susan
Wholey, Allen
whoo, Donaphin
Whorthen, Joseph
Whtney, N.K
Wican, Lemar M.B.
wich, Californa
wich, Land
wich, mules
wich, rehereing
Wick, G. O.
Wickel, Harison
Wickel, Harmon
Wickel, John
Wickle, Harchmon
Wickle, John
Wickle, Lemon
Wicks', E.
Wid, Phebe Smith
Widben, James
Widow, Abbott
Widow, Cynthia Shirtliff
Widow, James Emmet
Widow, Lars'
widow, Mary E. Earl
Widow, Mary Freeman
Widow, Mary Skinner
Widow, Nancy W Ott -
Widow, Susannah
Widower, Charles
Widvile, Henry
wie, Caroline
Wiekliff, Richd
Wieler, Jacob
Wielshiff, Richd
Wier, Thomas
wife-, Benjamin -
Wife, Ann Leishman
Wife, D. Russells
Wife, Dar
Wife, David Kemp &
Wife, Deare
Wife, Edwin Miles's
wife, Elizabeth
Wife, Harriet Russel
Wife, Heman
Wife, James Haarth Abraham Garnett &
Wife, Jane Davis
Wife, Joseph
wife, Julia A Allred
Wife, Julianna Timmerman
wife, Leonard Lucy Jane
Wife, Lucinda Bair
wife, Luman B Shurtliff Altemira E Shurtliff
wife, Luther -
wife, Mahala Loveless
Wife, Maria
wife, Mary Elizabeth
Wife, Mary his
Wife, Nancy B.
Wife, Peck Ezchel
Wife, Peck Hezekiah
wife, Peggy Patten
wife, Robert -
wife, Sargent Harriet
Wife, Silas Richards &
Wife, Stringham Wm
Wife, Tubbs father &
wife, Williams
Wifeism, Spiritual
Wiggington, Edmund Delilah
Wight, Elder Lyman
Wight, Lee Elder S
Wight, Lucy E
Wight, Lyman
Wight, Stephen
Wight, Stephen & Lucy E
Wightman, Caroline
Wightman, E. B.
Wightman, Nancy
Wightman, Reuben W Perkins Wm
Wightman, Shurman William
Wightman, Smith E. B
Wightman, T.B. Beckentose William
Wightman, William
Wightman, Wm
Wights, Elder
Wights, L.
Wigley, Br Thomas
Wigley, Thomas
Wignal, Mary Ann
Wignall, Mary Ann
Wikeseller, Ruth
Wil=, mentiioned
Wilber, Benjamin
Wilber, Benjamin S
Wilber, Benjamin S.
Wilber, Denton Solomon
Wilber, Earl
Wilber, Elisha
Wilber, Eliza Jane
Wilber, Eunice
Wilber, Jacob
Wilber, John Lytle X
Wilber, John Ray
Wilber, Malvin
Wilber, Melvin
Wilber, Melvin L.
Wilber, Oliver H.
Wilber, Phebe E.
Wilber, Robert
Wilber, Sophia F
Wilber, Stephen K.
Wilber, Wilbur Earl
Wilber, William D.
Wilbor, Benjamin
Wilborn, Eliza Jane
Wilbour, Brother
Wilbour, Melvin
Wilbur, Melvin
Wilbur, Stephen
Wilburn, Melvin
Wilcock, Matthew
Wilcox, Abraham
Wilcox, Benjamin
Wilcox, Edward
Wilcox, Elisha
Wilcox, Francis T.
Wilcox, Harper Abraham Jr Mary
Wilcox, Harriett
Wilcox, Henry
Wilcox, Isaac Elizabeth
Wilcox, Lyman
Wilcox, Martha
Wilcox, Mary
Wilcox, Mary T
Wilcox, Mathew
Wilcox, Matthew
Wilcox, Miles
Wilcox, Muster Henry
Wilcox, Orrin Sally
Wilcox, Robert
Wilcox, Saml S.
Wilcox, Sarah Seeley
Wilcox, Sila
Wilcox, Thomas C Hannah G
Wilcox, Walter
Wilcox, Walter E
Wilcox, Walter E.
Wilcox, Walter Eli
Wild, Horace
Wild, Julia Adeline
Wild, R. S.
Wilden, Br Br
Wilder, Horace
Wilder, Jacob
Wilder, Joseph
Wilder, Willard
Wilder, Williard C
Wilding, David
Wildon, Zachariah D.
Wilds, Matthew Martha
Wile, Henry
Wilease, Lymon
Wiler, Jacob
Wiley, James
Wilford, Brothers
Wilford, Hudson
Wilford, Mary H.
Wilford, Woodruff
Wilhite, Anderson Hugh T Lucy A
Wiliams, Caroline Mariam
Wiliams, Robert
Wilkens, James
Wilker, Jacob
Wilker, John
Wilker, Wilber
Wilkerson, James
Wilkey, David
Wilkey, Jas Brown D
Wilkie, David
Wilkie, John
Wilkie, Rowe David
Wilkin, David
Wilkin, Isabella
Wilkins-, Ogden G W
Wilkins, Adelia S
Wilkins, Alexander
Wilkins, Ausher
Wilkins, Brother
Wilkins, David
Wilkins, fam Adelia
Wilkins, G
Wilkins, G.
Wilkins, James
Wilkins, James W
Wilkins, James W.
Wilkins, Jane
Wilkins, John B
Wilkins, John G
Wilkins, John G.
Wilkins, Maria
Wilkins, Nancy
Wilkins, Ormon
Wilkins, Solomon 24
Wilkins, Susan
Wilkinson, Allen
Wilkinson, David
Wilkinson, John
Wilkinson, John Richards Allen
Wilkinson, Stephen
WilkinVault, David
Wilknson, George A Pirick Stephen
Wilks, Jonathan
Wilks, Miles Anderson
Wilks, Miles Lee
Wilkshire, Ann
Will, D. C.
will, mett
Will!ams, P.L.
Will[e]y, Jeremiah
Willaims, Robt
Willams, John
Willard, Bro
Willard, Jesse
Willard, John
Willard, Richards
Willard, William
Willcax, Henry
Willcax, Samuel
Willcox, Alfred
Willcox, Ann
Willcox, Henry
Willcox, John Henry
Willcox, John Henry Owen
Willcox, Mathew
Willden, Loned Br
Willeris, John
Willes, Ira
Willes, Ira J.
Willes, Mrs Ira
Willes, William
Willes, William W.
Willey, Cyranthia
Willey, Elder
Willey, Elizabeth Ann Pettit
Willey, James G.
Willey, Jeremiah
Willey, Jerimiah
Willey, Moses Mecham Jeremiah
Willey, Samantha
Willey, Samuel S.
Willhite, Bettisworth Charles Mary E
William, Adam
William, Adams
William, Alexander
William, Allen
William, Austin
William, Ayers
William, Baldwin
William, Barger
William, Benjamin
William, Bert
William, Biddome
William, Bloyd
William, Botts
William, Boyce
William, Boyd
William, Br
William, Brown
William, Bryant
William, Burk
William, Burt
William, Butler
William, Carson
William, Carter
William, Casto
William, Champlin
William, Chauncy Porter
William, Christopher
William, Clark
William, Clayton
William, comenced
William, Cottier
William, Danl
William, Davies
William, Davis
William, Davis Dan Captn Follett William T. Shoug
William, Duncan
William, Dykes
William, E.
William, Edmund
William, Edwards
William, Egbert
William, Elder
William, Ellis
William, Empy
William, Evans
William, Ewell
William, Farrer
William, father=
William, Follett
William, Francis
William, Frost
William, Fultz
William, Gardner
William, Garner
William, Gibson
William, Gifford
William, Glover
William, Gordon
William, Gribble
William, Gustavus
William, Hendrix
William, Henrie -
William, Henry,
William, Hickenlooper
William, Hiram
William, Hiram Murdock
William, Holden
William, Holt
William, Horney
William, Isaac
William, Jackson
William, Jacob Egan Howaard Richards
William, James
William, James Fife Jun
William, James Newberry
William, James P Stile Henry Gifford
William, John
William, John Adams
William, Johnson Siheton Lewis Sherwood
William, Johnston
William, Kartchner
William, Kay
William, Keddington
William, Kelley
William, Kelly
William, Kimbrough
William, Lance
William, Lapsley
William, Learny
William, Legg
William, Lorence Babcock Thomas S.
William, Maron
William, Martha Elarca Elisca Devemuss
William, Massie
William, Maxwell
William, McCullock
William, Mertle
William, Nebker
William, Nish
William, Ogden
William, Parish
William, Patten
William, Patterson
William, Pease
William, Peter Winward
William, Pierce
William, pro tem S
William, Prouse
William, Quail
William, Ramsey
William, Reynolds
William, Rice
William, Richards
William, Richmond
William, Richy
William, Ritter
WIlliam, Robinson
William, Roe
William, Rowe
William, Rust
William, Rust Walker
William, Sergeant
William, Smith
William, Spencer
William, Stringham
William, Strong
William, Susan C
William, Taylor
William, Terrell
William, Thomas
William, Thomas W Callahan
William, Thomas W. Callahan
William, Thompson
William, Tripp
William, TS
William, Tubbs
William, Tucker
William, Vance
William, Vandyke
William, Wadsworth
William, Wile
William, Wood
Williams, 1
Williams, Abigail
Williams, Albina
Williams, Albina Mariam
Williams, Albina Marion
Williams, Albina Merrill
Williams, Alex
Williams, Alexa
Williams, Alexander
Williams, Alexn
Williams, Alexr
Williams, Alexz
Williams, Alma Alanson
Williams, Almon
Williams, Amuel
Williams, Andrem B
Williams, Andrew
Williams, Andrew B
Williams, Andrews
Williams, Ann
Williams, Atmon
Williams, Bateman H
Williams, battalion.—T. S. W
Williams, Benjamin
Williams, Br
Williams, Bro
Williams, Bro Messenger
Williams, Bro Wm
Williams, C.
Williams, Caroline
Williams, Catherine
Williams, Catherine Ann
Williams, Chancy
Williams, Charles
Williams, Chas W.
Williams, Christofer
Williams, Christopher
Williams, Clarissa
Williams, Clark Henry Huldah
Williams, Clark John W Theresa M
Williams, Clarrissa
Williams, D. R.
Williams, Daniel
Williams, Daniel R.
Williams, E.
Williams, E. G.
Williams, Elias W
Williams, Elias W.
Williams, Eligah
Williams, Elijah
Williams, Elizabeth
Williams, Emily C.
Williams, Emily Eleda
Williams, Ezra
Williams, Ezra G
Williams, F.
Williams, F. G.
Williams, F. M.
Williams, Foy Daniel Matilda
Williams, Frances
Williams, Francis
Williams, Francis E.
Williams, Francis m.
Williams, Francis Marion
Williams, Francy
Williams, Gustavus
Williams, Hannah M
Williams, Harriet Sobrina
Williams, Henry G
Williams, Henry H.
Williams, Henry Seth
Williams, Isaac
Williams, Isaiah
Williams, J. J.
Williams, Jacob Bigler D. R.
Williams, James
Williams, James C
Williams, James R.
Williams, James V
Williams, James V.
Williams, James Van Nostrand
Williams, James W
Williams, Jeremiah
Williams, John
Williams, John B
Williams, John B.
Williams, John L
Williams, John L.
Williams, Johnson
Williams, Jos
Williams, Joseph
Williams, Josiah
Williams, Julia /Robert
Williams, Levi
Williams, Louisa
Williams, Lucia G
Williams, Lucy
Williams, M.
Williams, Maria
Williams, Martha J.
Williams, Martha Jane Frazier
Williams, Mary
Williams, Mesach L.
Williams, Moses
Williams, Norman
Williams, Norman S
Williams, Norman S.
Williams, NS
Williams, Peter
Williams, Phebe Isabell
Williams, Price William Juliann
Williams, R.
Williams, Rebeca
Williams, Rice
Williams, Richard
Williams, Robert
Williams, Roberts Jno M Marry
Williams, S.
Williams, Sally
Williams, Saml
Williams, Samuel
Williams, Samuel E
Williams, Samuel E Williams
Williams, Sarah
Williams, Sargent
Williams, Semuel
Williams, Sergeant
Williams, Sergt
Williams, Seth Dodge Gustavis
Williams, Sgt
Williams, Sister
Williams, Sister Mary
Williams, Susan
Williams, Sylvester H. Earl Alma L.
Williams, T. S.
Williams, T.S.
Williams, Thomas
Williams, Thomas S
Williams, thomas S.
Williams, Thomas Stephen
Williams, V. A.
Williams, W. W.
Williams, Wesley W.
Williams, William Mary
Williams, Williams James M Matilda
Williams, Wilson Harmon T Helen M
Williams, Wm
Williams, Wood
Williams', ter
Williams[--------, Peter
Williamson, Samuel
Williamss, Thomas S.
Williard, Eld
Willie, Elizabeth Pettit
Willis, Almond M.
Willis, Ascey
Willis, B1F5
Willis, Benjamin
Willis, Benjamin Stewart D Pvt
Willis, Benjn
Willis, Br
Willis, Bro
Willis, Calvin Margaret
Willis, Carriad Secont Wm
Willis, City Ira Pratt Lott
Willis, Duncan
Willis, Eleazor
Willis, Elizer
Willis, Gilbert Hunt W.W.
Willis, GP0_5280
Willis, GP0_5370
Willis, GP0_5371
Willis, Hakeman {Akeman}
Willis, Henry
Willis, Ira
Willis, Ira J
Willis, Ira J.
Willis, James Stewart D Pvt
Willis, James Betsey Ann
Willis, Jesse W Johnston C Pvt
Willis, John
Willis, John B. Witson William T.
Willis, Joseph Shipley C Pvt
Willis, Josephine
Willis, Joshua
Willis, Joshua T
Willis, Joshua T.
Willis, Julia M
Willis, later -
Willis, Lemuel
Willis, Leutn
Willis, Lieu
Willis, Lieu W. W.
Willis, Lieut
Willis, Lieut W.W.
Willis, Lieut William W
Willis, Lieut.t
Willis, Lieut.t W.
Willis, Lieut’t W
Willis, Lieutenant W.
Willis, Lieutennant
Willis, Lieutnt
Willis, Luet W W
Willis, Malissa
Willis, Margaret
Willis, Margaret Jane
Willis, Margaret Willis Joshua Thomas
Willis, Mary
Willis, Mary E.
Willis, Richard Carter B Pvt Died -
Willis, S.
Willis, Sidney
Willis, Sullivan Giles Winny
Willis, Thomas Tillman
Willis, W.
Willis, W. L. S.
Willis, W. S
Willis, W. W.
Willis, William
Willis, William H.
Willis, William S.S.
Willis, William T.
Willis, William W
Willis, William W.
Willis, William Wesley
Willis, Wm
Willis, Wm Sidney Smith
Willis, Wm W
Willis, Wm W.
Willis, Wm Wesley
Willis, Wm Wsly
Willis's, William W.
Willkin, David
Willliam, James H Allred th
Willliams, D. R.
Willock, Lt Col
Wills, Elizabeth W
Wills, Malina
Wills, Thomas
Willson, A. C.
Willson, Aaron C.
Willson, B.
Willson, Bro
Willson, Eligah
Willson, Elisabeth
Willson, Elizabeth
Willson, George
Willson, Henry H
Willson, John B.
Willson, Milas
Willson, Moses
Willson, Nathan
Willson, Thomas
Willson, William
Willson, William Casto George
Willy, James G
Willy, Moses
Willy, Samantha
Wilsey, Jacob
Wilsey, William
Wilson, Adaline
WIlson, Agnes
Wilson, Alford G
Wilson, Alfred G
Wilson, Almeda
Wilson, Alvin Clements 22 S Henry W
Wilson, Alvira
Wilson, Amanda E
Wilson, Amos
Wilson, Ann
Wilson, Asher Joel H Minerva B
Wilson, Atlas
Wilson, B.
Wilson, B.B.
Wilson, Barlow B.
Wilson, Betsey
Wilson, Bradley B.
Wilson, Bro
Wilson, Brother george
Wilson, Bryant Ambrose Susannah
Wilson, Bushrodd W.
Wilson, Bustrod W
Wilson, C.
Wilson, Calvis
Wilson, Caroline
Wilson, Clarissa
Wilson, Clinton
Wilson, D. A.
Wilson, David
Wilson, Daw Edward Eliza A
Wilson, Deliverance
Wilson, Dunbar
Wilson, Egan Markham Grant
Wilson, Elder G.
Wilson, Eldr George
Wilson, Eleanor
Wilson, Elijah
Wilson, Elijah N.
Wilson, Eliza Jane
Wilson, Elizabeth
Wilson, Elizabeth J
Wilson, Ensminger George Hester Ann
Wilson, Fay Ezra Catharine
Wilson, G.
Wilson, G.C.
Wilson, Geo
Wilson, George
Wilson, George C
Wilson, George C.
Wilson, George Carson & George C
Wilson, George D.
Wilson, George Deliverance
Wilson, George Elizabeth
Wilson, Guy C
Wilson, Guy C.
Wilson, H.H.
Wilson, Harriet
Wilson, Helen
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, Henry H
Wilson, Henry H.
Wilson, Henry W
Wilson, Howell Vix Elijah N
Wilson, I. Henry H.
Wilson, James
Wilson, James Haile S Sarah M
Wilson, James V.
Wilson, Jane
Wilson, Jane Ann
Wilson, Jenitte
Wilson, Jeremiah
Wilson, Johan D Parker Demd Lewis D
Wilson, John
Wilson, John G
Wilson, John Wm Berry
Wilson, Joseph
Wilson, Karon T.
Wilson, Kinney
Wilson, Lavina
Wilson, Lemuel G
Wilson, Lemuel G.
Wilson, Lewis D
Wilson, Lewis D.
Wilson, Lewis Dunbar
Wilson, Louis
Wilson, Louisa A
Wilson, Lovina
Wilson, Malvina
Wilson, Martha
Wilson, Martha Ann
Wilson, Martha I
Wilson, Marthy
Wilson, Mary (Sheehan)
Wilson, Mary Jane
Wilson, Mary M
Wilson, Melissa Johnson | Cyrus Ellsworth Lavina
Wilson, Milas
Wilson, Miles
Wilson, Moses
Wilson, Nancy
Wilson, Nancy G
Wilson, Nathan
Wilson, Peter
Wilson, Pioneer Rebecca C Tidwell
Wilson, Polly
Wilson, Printy William C Julia F.
Wilson, Quimby Samuel Ann
Wilson, R.
Wilson, Respy
Wilson, Richard Mary
Wilson, Rose Adam G Derinda
Wilson, Samuel Pherher Whitford G
WIlson, Sarah
Wilson, Sebert C.
Wilson, Sen Mathew
Wilson, Sylvester
Wilson, T. T. Lewis D.
Wilson, Tho B.
Wilson, Thomas
Wilson, Thomas G
Wilson, Thomas J
Wilson, Valentine
Wilson, W.G.
Wilson, Whitford G
Wilson, Whitford G.
Wilson, Wilford G
Wilson, William Sarah
Wilson, Zachariah D.
Wilson,, Amanda M.
Wiltshire, Ann
Wiltshire, Emma
Wiltshire, George
Wilyor, Wily P. Allred Lewis Zabriskie Milas
Wimer, Margaret
Wimer, Peter
Wimmer, Br
Wimmer, Eliza Jane
Wimmer, Elizabeth
Wimmer, George
Wimmer, John
Wimmer, John P
Wimmer, Juliaette
Wimmer, Lucritia
Wimmer, Margaret
Wimmer, Peter
Wimmer, Robert
Wimmer, Susan L
Wimmer, Thomas J
Wimmer, William
Wimmer, William D
Wimmer, William R
Wimp, Isaac Margaret
Win, Jacob
Winager, Rhoda
Winager, Samuel T
Winans, Ebenezer Martha S
Wincett, Cyrus
Winchester, Alexander
Winchester, Alexander B.
Winchester, B.
Winchester, Nancy
Winchester, S
Winchester, Stephan
Winchester, Stephen
Winchester, Stephen Winchester Jun
Winchester, Stephen Winchester Sen
Winchester,, Stephan Winchester Jun
Winchesters, Stephen
Wind, John
Winder, John R.
Windham, Mary Ann Townsend
Windmill, Jane
Windmill, Richard
Windship, Nathaniel
Windsor, Pamelia Andrus
Wine, Brandy
Winegar, Alvin
Winegar, D.
Winegar, F. D.
Winegar, John
Winegar, Samuel T.
Winegor, Alvin
Winels, John
Winfield, Edwin Catharine B
Winfield, William Margaret
Winford, George
Wing, Eunice
Wing, Joseph
Wingar, Alvin
Wingar, Elizabeth
Wingegar, Samuel T.
Winger, Edward
Winget, Catharine
Winget, Catherine Hulet
Winget, Fidelia
Winget, Zenos
Wingle, Mary
Winigar, Alvin
Winkless, Edward Hunter Thomas
Winkless, Thomas
Winlock, Martha E. C.
Winlock, Theodore S.
Winn, Alfred C.
Winn, Alma
Winn, Bro
Winn, Caroline V
Winn, Dennis
Winn, Elias
Winn, James
Winn, Jane
Winn, John
Winn, Julyan
Winn, later -
Winn, Lucretia
Winn, Mary
Winn, Maryjane
Winn, Miner
Winn, Minon
Winn, Minor
Winn, Nancy
Winn, Thomas
Winner, John
Wins, John
Winston, Isaac N.
Winter, Jacob
Winter, James B.
Winter, Jno
Winterbotham, Daniel
Winterbotham, William
Winters, Jacob
Winters, Jacob Jacob
Winters, Oscar
Winters, W.F.S.
Winward, Peter
Winward, Thomas
Wipple, Edson
Wiscan, Reuben
Wise, John
Wismanger, W
Wisock, Edward
Wisock, Edward Dolton
Wiss, Monroe
Wiston, Daniel Rawson Brother
Wiston, John
Witchland, Isiah Perry
Witcomb, Tuel
with, Amanda J Ivy
with, bin afflictted
With, Joseph Young -
with, part[a]ce
Withdrwed, William Baston
Witherbury, William
Witherow, Elizabeth
Withley, John M
Withnall, Sister
Withnell, Richard
Withnell, Richard H.
Withron, Robert Caroline
Withville, John
Witmen, David
Witness, compitents
Witness, John Alger
Witnesses, Albert Gay
Witney, Ground=== B.
Witson, John B.
Witt, De
Witt, Martin De
Witt, Sarah Jane
Witter, Lucy
Witters, Luch
Wittle, Thomas
Wittness, Spencer
Wittnessed, Cevernary John Taylor
Witton, Ellerbeck Thomas
Wittshire, Frances Haprlot
Wixcon, Reuben
Wixom, Daniel
Wixom, James M. Adams Solomon
Wixom, John
Wixom, John Leek Nathan
Wixom, Nathan
Wixom, Solomon
Wixon, John
Wl, Garner
Wlaker, Henson
Wm, Aa Johnson
Wm, Aldridge
Wm, Amy Draper Harriet Draper | Lewis B. Chaffrin
Wm, Andrew H. Perkins W. G. Perkins &
Wm, Andrew J. Twitchel Baptized by
Wm, Archibald Maclaine
Wm, Battn Wood
Wm, Br Batson Br Wm Mendenhall Br
Wm, Brs
Wm, Brs Willis Boren
Wm, C. C. Pendleton
Wm, Charles Allen S. D.
Wm, Charles M. Cole
Wm, Edward Larkie
Wm, Eld
Wm, Elizabeth Burrows
Wm, Evins
Wm, Frederick
Wm, g. miller
Wm, George
Wm, Gifford
Wm, H. W. Miller
Wm, Hawkins H. Cuerden
Wm, Henry
Wm, Henry Dodson
Wm, Hewitt
Wm, Ira Hillman
Wm, J. Allred
Wm, Jacob Foollett
Wm, James Allred
Wm, James Cook
Wm, Jane Mason
Wm, John
Wm, John Mc Connell
Wm, John Waddle |
Wm, Jonston Calvin Kelly
Wm, Junr Stephen Litz
Wm, L. Draper | Sary M. Chaffrin Albert E. Draper |
Wm, Lance Thomas
Wm, Lee
Wm, M. Rogers
Wm, Mc Intyre
Wm, Michael Stephens Br
Wm, Milam
Wm, Orson K Whitney
Wm, Peter T Richards
Wm, Phinehas Richards
Wm, Rebecca Lewis
Wm, Rich
Wm, Robert
Wm, Robert E. King |
Wm, Semantha Priscilla
Wm, Spencer
Wm, Stewart
Wm, Thomas Knowls
Wm, Walter Stevens
Wm, Whiting
Wm., Thirston Simpson |
Wo, Molly
Wo., Feby 2
wo[ul]d, Alexander
Woklsy, Abigail
Wolcott, Phineas
Wolf, Absolom
Wolf, Andrus
Wolf, Hanah Eliza
Wolf, Isaac
Wolf, James
Wolf, John A
Wolf, John A.
Wolf, John P. Thomas John A.
wolf, Prearie
Wolf, Sarah Ann
Wollerton, Samuel
Wolley, br E. D.
Wolley, Dewin D.
Wolley, Edwin D
Wollsey, Thomas
Wolman, Joshua Sawyer
Wolsea, Thomas
Wolsey, Bro
Wolsey, Thomas
Woltshire, Rebecca Dew
Women, Thomas
Wonterbottom, William
Wood-, Bro L.
Wood, Benjamin Hawkins 1 Load of
Wood, Bro Gideon
Wood, Cord
Wood, Cotton
Wood, D.
Wood, Daniel
Wood, David
Wood, David Pettigrew Ester Egleson
Wood, Davis
Wood, Elizabeth
Wood, Elizabeth Agnes
Wood, Gholson Thomas J Elizabeth
Wood, Gideon D.
Wood, Hannahh
Wood, Harriet
Wood, James Carle David
Wood, James Wargen
Wood, Jed
Wood, John
Wood, John B.
Wood, John K Burnham Charles C Burnham Emily F Burnham Daniel
Wood, Joseph
Wood, Limon [Lyman] S.
Wood, M.
Wood, Marry
Wood, Martin
Wood, Mary
Wood, Matthew
Wood, Nancy Ann
Wood, Oscar Elesander
Wood, P. S. John
Wood, Samuel
Wood, Son William
Wood, Thomas
Wood, uel
Wood, William
Wood[ruff, Wilford
Woodard, Charlotte
Woodard, Emily
Woodard, Francis S
Woodard, George
Woodard, George W Clyde J S
Woodard, James
Woodard, Jedidiah S
Woodard, John Sally
Woodard, Mary
Woodard, Nathan
Woodberry, John Leonard Jeremiah
Woodberry, Thomas H.
Woodbury, Elizabeth
Woodbury, Hannah M.
Woodbury, Jeremiah
Woodbury, John
Woodbury, John Haskell
Woodbury, John S
Woodbury, Jonathan
Woodbury, Melinda
Woodbury, Orren N.
Woodbury, Phinehas
Woodbury, Thomas H
Woodbury, Thomas H.
Woodford, Allen William
Woodgate, B
Woodgate, Br
Woodhead, Nathlel
Woodhouse, Ann
Woodhouse, John
Woodhouse, Mary
Woodhouse, Sarah
Woodie, Lucian
Woodland, J.
Woodland, John
Woodland, Martha
Woodland, Thomas
Woodland, William
Woodleith, William
Woodmancy, J.
Woodmansa, Joseph
Woodmansee, Chas
WOODMANSEE, Joseph Woodmanser
Woodmanser, Joseph
Woodrf, Wilford
Woodrooff, W.
Woodrough, Wilford
Woodruf, Eld
Woodruff, A.
Woodruff, Br
Woodruff, Bro
Woodruff, Coltrin Zebadee
Woodruff, Daw Thomas Mary Jane
Woodruff, Elder
Woodruff, Elder W.
Woodruff, Elders
Woodruff, J. F.
Woodruff, James J
Woodruff, John
Woodruff, Kimble
Woodruff, Mary Jackson
Woodruff, Nelly
Woodruff, Phebe Amelia
Woodruff, Phebe W
Woodruff, Presn Young,
Woodruff, Richards
Woodruff, Sister
Woodruff, W
Woodruff, W.
Woodruff, W. Richards O. pratt W.
Woodruff, W. Richards W
Woodruff, W. Wilford
Woodruff, Wilfor
Woodruff, Wilford
Woodruff, Wilfred
Woodruff, Willford
Woodruff, Willfred
Woodruff's, Elder
Woodruff's, Sister
WoodruffCuttars, MrWilford
Woodrugh, W.
Woods, D.
Woods, Daniel
Woods, David
Woods, Lyman L.
Woodsides, Nancy
Woodson, Elizabeth
Woodward, Anna A Gifford Sarah E Elements Betsy
Woodward, Barney Lewis
Woodward, Bro
Woodward, Charles
Woodward, Charles H
Woodward, Charles Northrop
Woodward, David Malcolm Priest Joseph
Woodward, Demitted George
Woodward, Edmond
Woodward, Emily Jane
Woodward, Emily Jane Northrop
Woodward, Enoch C
Woodward, Enoch J
Woodward, Francis
Woodward, Francus
Woodward, George
Woodward, George Woodword
Woodward, George W
Woodward, George W.
Woodward, Henry
Woodward, J.
woodward, Jaes
woodward, James
Woodward, James B.
Woodward, James B.
Woodward, James C
Woodward, Jedediah S.
Woodward, Jedediah Stark
Woodward, John Dilworth S S
Woodward, Joseph
Woodward, Joseph Henry
Woodward, Josephine
Woodward, Malcolm Elizabeth Malcolm Joseph
Woodward, Maria Louisa
Woodward, Martha
Woodward, Martha Ann
Woodward, Mary
Woodward, Moses Gifford Joseph Boyington D. S.
Woodward, Nancy
Woodward, Rayman
Woodward, Ruth
Woodward, Samuel
Woodward, William
woodward, Zabriskie John Thomas Butter Joseph
Woodword, Margaret
Woodworth, Br
Woodworth, Bro
Woodworth, Bro L.
Woodworth, Dennis W.
Woodworth, Flora Ann
Woodworth, Florence Shupe
Woodworth, Hiram
Woodworth, James
Woodworth, John Ann H
Woodworth, John Eldridge Lucian
Woodworth, Louisa
Woodworth, Lucian
Woodworth, Lysander
Woodworth, Lysanter
Woodworth, Philander
Woodworth, Samuel Williams Lucian
Woodworth, Samuel Williams Lucian
Woodworth, Thomas H. B.
Wool, John E.]
Woolely, Bro
Wooley, Annt Peggy Br E. D.
Wooley, Bro
Wooley, E. D.
Wooley, Edwin
Wooley, Edwin D
Wooley, Edwin D.
Wooley, Henry
Wooley, Henry Etta
Wooley, John L.
Wooley, John W
Wooley, Mary
Wooley, Mary W
Wooley, Rachael
Wooley, Rachel Emma
Wooley, Saml
Wooley, Samuel
Wooley, Sister
Woolf, Absalom
Woolf, Absomlom
Woolf, Andrew
Woolf, Andrew Elmer
Woolf, Isaac
Woolf, James
Woolf, John
Woolf, John A
Woolf, John A.
Woolf, John Anthony
Woolf, Lucy A Hambleton
Woolf, Lucy A. Hambleton
Woolf, Pioneer Absalom
Woolf, Sarah Ann
Woolf, Sarah Ann Devoe
Woolfe, John A.
Woolley, Bish Bro
Woolley, Bro
Woolley, Bro Edwin D.
Woolley, Dewey
Woolley, E. D.
Woolley, Edwin
Woolley, Edwin D.
Woolley, Mary
Woolley, Saml
Woolly, E.
Woolly, John M.
Woolly, Joseph Cach Saml A.
Woolly, Saml A
Woolsey, Br
Woolsey, Bro
Woolsey, Brothers
Woolsey, Ezra T.
Woolsey, George D.
Woolsey, Hiram
Woolsey, Hyrum
Woolsey, Jacob
Woolsey, Jacob Woolsey
Woolsey, Jacob C.
Woolsey, James
Woolsey, James Brigham
Woolsey, John C Anne Thomas
Woolsey, John H ✓ W
Woolsey, Joseph H.
Woolsey, Perry
Woolsey, Phineas H. Young Thomas
Woolsey, Reuben
Woolsey, Rheuben
Woolsey, Richard
Woolsey, T.
Woolsey, Tho
Woolsey, Thomas
Woolsey, William
Woolsey's, Jas
Woolseys, Thomas
Woolwich, George S.
Woordruff, W.
Woosley, A Liman
Wooster, George
Worcester, Woster
Wordan, Nathaniel
Worden, Ann
Worden, Nathaniel P
Wordseworth, Wm
Wordsworth, Addison Everett William
Wordsworth, Elijah
Worked, Days Tithing Cords Wood
Workman, A.J.
Workman, Abraham
Workman, Andrew
Workman, Andrew J
Workman, Andrew J.
Workman, C.G.
Workman, Caroline
Workman, Hedrich Reuben Elizabeth
Workman, J.
Workman, J.L.
Workman, Jacob
Workman, Jacob L
Workman, Jacob L.
Workman, John
Workman, Joseph
Workman, Oliver
Workman, Oliver G
Workman, Oliver G.
Workman, Robert Clift Br
Workman, S.
Workman, Thomas
Worley, Kelber
Worley, Kleber
Worlton, Bro
Wormsley, Frances
Worrell, Betsey
Worrell, Elisha
Worsham, Joseph
Worsley, Francis A.
Worsley, Henry
Worsley, Sarah J
Worsley, Sidney
worthan, Joseph
Worthen, James
Worthen, John
Worthen, Joseph
Worthen, Samuel
Worthing, Sister
Worthington, A. C.
Worthington, James
Worthington, Jas
Worthy, Douglas
Worthy, Joseph
Worthy, Mary
Woster, Kidderminster
Wrant, J.M.
wraught, materally
Wrighan, Alfred
Wrighs, Jonathn C
Wright---------------------------------, Jonathan C.
Wright, Alexander
Wright, Amos Russel
Wright, Ann
Wright, Ann C
Wright, B.
Wright, B. J.
Wright, B. J. C.
Wright, Br Johnathan C.
Wright, Bro
Wright, Bro J.
Wright, Bro J. C.
Wright, C.
Wright, Charles
Wright, Charles Charles
Wright, David D
Wright, David Darwin
Wright, E.
Wright, Ebenezer 2nd Sgt
Wright, Elder Jonathan C
Wright, Elizabeth
Wright, Emma
Wright, Frederick
Wright, Fredrick
Wright, G. C.
Wright, George Frederick
Wright, George Fredrick
Wright, H. T. Sherwood T C.
Wright, Hamilton William J Margaret
Wright, I. C.
Wright, J C
Wright, J. C.
Wright, J.C.
Wright, James
Wright, James Baley Fredrick
Wright, Jas Allred Prest J. C.
Wright, JC
Wright, Jefferson
Wright, Jo C.
Wright, Johathan
Wright, Johathan C.
Wright, John
Wright, John C
Wright, Johnathan C.
Wright, Jon
Wright, Jonathan
Wright, Jonathan B
Wright, Jonathan C
Wright, Jonathan C.
Wright, Jonathen C.
Wright, Jonn C.
Wright, Jonthan C.
Wright, Joseph
Wright, Josiah
Wright, Josick
Wright, Lucina
Wright, Lyman
Wright, Mary
Wright, Mary Elizabeth
Wright, Moffitt Alfred Ann
Wright, Muster Chas
Wright, Oliver G.
Wright, P.
Wright, Phineas R.
Wright, Phinehas
Wright, Phinehas R
Wright, Phinehas R.
Wright, Rachael
Wright, Rebecca
Wright, Robert
Wright, Robert C
Wright, Ruth
Wright, S. C.
Wright, Samuel
Wright, Sergeant P.R.
Wright, Seth
Wright, Stephen
Wright, Thomas
Wright, Thomas H.
Wright, Ward Zebediah Azilla
Wright, William
Wright, Wm
Wrightr, William Henrie J.C.
Wrigley, Br Thomas
Wrigley, Bro
Wrigley, Thomas
wrigley, Ward Thomas
Wriight, David D
Wristen, John
Wriston, Andrew J.
Wriston, Batln
Wriston, Isaac N
Wriston, Isaac N.
Wriston, James W. ● W
Wriston, John
Wriston, John P
Wriston, John P.
Wriston, Lysander
Wriston, P.
Wriston, Tillman
Wriston, Tilmon
Writer, Benjamin
Writght, B.
Wrs, Hd
wrt, Bro sugett
wson, John La
Wt, Alpheus P.
Wt, Ebenezer
Wt, Horace M.
Wt, J.K.
Wt, Jacob
Wt, James
Wt, James B.
Wt, John
Wt, John W.
Wt, Jonathan
Wt, Jos W.
Wt, Joseph
Wt, M.
Wt, Nathan T.
Wt, Richard
Wt, Riley G.
Wt, Samuel
Wt, Thomas R.
Wt, W.
Wt, William
Wybrant, John Hannah
Wyche, John
Wycoff, Joseph
Wyelie, Ruth
Wyer, Abisha
Wyer, Delilah
Wyman, Goabul George Sybil
Wyman, Sophia P.
Wynn, John