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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_143]
President, O.Hyde made some remarks on
these points ,,said he did believe that
Bro's Haws and Woodworth were escerting
an influence to sour the minds of the
people against the presidency of the
    Brother  Whilock said as he came up
from St. Louis, at St Joseph he was told
by some of the brethren, that saw bro's
Haws and Woodworth as they  returned
from Texas that they were not going to Texas
with, nor with the body of the Church
at the Valey,, said he told the same
spirit manifest on Keg Creek,, said bro
Elis Eames informs him that Bro's Haws
and Woodworth courted an investigation
on the Authority of the Church..
    Bro Elis Eames said there are many
on Keg Creek whose minds are soured by
some means,, said Bro Woodworth had
told him there are some things that are
not right and he wanted an inves-  
tigation, that said things were not as ordered
by the prophet, and he wanted the people
should know it..
    Bro E. T. Benson said he saw Bro Haws in
St Joseph as they come home from the south
who said to me with regard to Bro L. Wood-
worth'' you do not know that man..At
Bro James Lakes we staid all night together
and had considerable chat on this point
and we both got quite warm, and I know
that Bro Haws is not with this people and
told him so there.. After some remarks
from several of the Councillors,, they voted