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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_169]  
Pres. O. Hyde spake on the nature of order and
the dispensing with techniculities &c.

     The charge was again read,and the Defend-
ant plead not guilty, according to the tenor of
the charge; and asked that the charge be seperated
so the charge slander of [======] and that of his
wife shall stand in two seperate charges..
     The council objected..
  [=============] said Bro. Benson had reported
that plaintif was guilty of seducing young females
and then giving them better apple to prevent
harm, or being exposed by increase, said he
had been thus informed from different some
us.. Defendant has also reported that other men have
been seen with my wife, not imediately in the act,
but infering that a criminal intercourse was held
between them.. Councillor Harris, Prest Hyde and
Councillor Allred spake severaly of the necessity
of not combining any other matters than what
pertained to the case..  The Council called for the
1st witness John D. Parker was called upon to testify, but
he felt a draw back for certain reasons
     PresO. Hyde of some institutions that would
exhonorate a man from testifying, and spake in reference
to the nature of the Priest Hood, & left Bro. Parker
to decide what position he would take and said he
did not want any responsibility whatever thrown
upon this Council touching this question,,
     Bro. Parker said he did not wish to throw any
responsibility upon the Council, only, he asked them
to wave his testimony and let Bro. Hyde testin
any answer for both..
     On motion Bro. Parkers testimony ant was waved
Prest. O. Hyde then proceeded and testified tha  on
the day of Election Bro. J. M. Benson came to his office