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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_126]
                        Kanesville Log Nov. 5th 1848
By Especial Request the High Council met
This day with the High Priest Quorum in the
Log Tabernacle., The council all present..
     The meeting was opened by Bro. William
Snow Pres. of the High Priest Quorum..
    Pres. O. Hyde and a letter he had just
received from Bro. Samuel Heath presiding
Elder at Cincinatti,, Bro. Heath informed him,,
that Bro. Whitehead had been in that city and after
being kindly received by the Brethren and Sisters
and made welcom to their hospitality he had tried
to seduce three of the Sisters.. Bro. Hyde then read
his reply in which he[-------------] the conduct of
Bro. Whitehead,, ordered him suspended from fellowship
and silenced from preaching and ordered him to
return home, and do  no more church business
    Says he will not spare any man that will con-
duct himself in that way.. The meeting voted to
sustain Bro. Hyde in that, and have the letter sent
    Remarks from Bro/ Geo. A Smith E. T. Benson & others,,
on this subject..
    Bro. Hyde them spake relative to liquor and dancing,,
said there had been member of applications
for dancing schools, dancing parties &c, but now
for prayer meetings, fast meeting, &c said untill he saw
a spirit of contrition and a hungering and thirsting after
the spirit of the Lord, he could not grant permissions on
those applications,, said every man has a right to dance,
but he that will not abide the council of the church will
be severed from the church.. Bro. W. Snow spake on this subject.
     Bro. O. Hyde then presented the case of Bro. Oliver
Cowdery,, who was present, and requested him to speak
to the people, and let them know his feeling as he wished
as he wished to come back onto the church, and be one with us again.. The congregation expressed, by vote
their desire to hear from Bro. Oliver Cowdery..