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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_203 ]
not restrict him, but he should act in was done in
all these matters, but he could not act with him
in this case. However as soon as he had received instruction
from the Valley to this effect he was with him and should
carry out the measures to the very letter and repeated that
that his instructions  were to give no one liberty to go without
they can take means with them to last them through, they
raise something and purchase what they need
     PresO Hyde then moved that with all respect to Bro Thomas
Johnson's mission we cannot sanction every body, going with
a bare out,fit,, but that those who have  are fully qualified by a full
outfit to agreably to the instructions we have received from the Valley.
     The motion carried in the affirmative unanimouly..
     Bro. Thomas Bateman presented himself on the case
of Bro. H. A. Weston and said the weather had prevented
his attending before when the notice was served  on him..
     PresO Hyde informed him that  that case had been
     On motion the council adjourned to this day 2 weeks
     10 oclock A. M.                                    Robert Campbell
                                                                   Clerk pro. Tem.
                                Kanesville Dec. 22 AD 1849
     The High Council met persuant to adjourment at the
school house.. Councillors all present but Snow Mc Leallean and
Miller. Prayer by Geo. W. Harris,, Prest Allres nominated
Bro Harlow Redfield,to fill the place of Councilor Snow and A. C. Hodge to fill the place Counsellor Mc Leallean.. The minutes being read
on motion the clerk was ordered to revise the minutes and present them
to the next Council meeting
     Councillors William Snow, James Mc Leallean, and Henry W. Miller
came in and making their excuses were accepted and took their
places in the Council.. Various remarks from Councillor Snow, Couslon,
Johnson, Harris and Allred, about members of the H. Council not being
present in time to take their seats at the opening of the Council and
others spake on the same subject..
     The case of Dustin Amy & Elizabeth Lamb was introduced