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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_204]  
to the Council, and after consideration was refered
to the Bishop.. It was proposed that the time for the
Brethren to bring in their free will offering be prol-
onged to the end of the Holidays, several of the
Councillors partiapated in remarks on this subject.
        The case of William A. Beebee (vs.) Hiram
Bostwick was again introduced to the council, and
Bro. Beebee said he claimed a debt against Bro. Bostwick
and wished to know if this council could fellowship
a man that will not pay his honest debts ,and presented
his papers showing his claim to the clerk.. Paper No. 1
     Councillor H. W. Miller moved that a committee of three
men be appointed to investigate that matter and report to
the Council,, the motion carried and A. C.Hodge   Harlow
Redfield,and Lorenzo Johnson, were appointed said committee
     PresJos. Allred the complainant and defendant
adjourned to the clerks office with said committee
     On motion the case, pending between N. L. Bulkley and
Joseph Warthan, was laid over unto the next Council..
     The appealed case of Edward Meacham (vs.)
Joseph Kelly from a Quorum of seventies  that was laid over from the last Council,
was now called up..
     Councillor Lyman Stoddard said there were feelings
among the Brethren abroad relative to this case coming
before the High Council, after a decission had been
given be a Quorum of seventies..
     Prest O. Hyde made some remarks, and spake of
the music hall and invited the High Council to  hold
their sessions here after in said hall..
    On motion the High Council tendered Prest Hyde
then thanks and accepts the offer..
     Prest O Hyde then spake on the trial, and said if any
tribunal take upon itself a responsibility it should
carry that responsibility through.. The trial  case of
Bro. Joseph Kelly was brought up by Bro. Edward  Meacham
and the decission was that Bro Kelly go the injured party