
[first pass]                           149                                                             [ Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_161]
The High Council met persuant to
adjournment at the school house in
Kanesville Councillors all present but Wm
Snow  A. H. Perkins  H W Miller & J M Benson..
     Prayer by Ira  Oviatte..
     Hiram Clark was chosen to fill the place of Wm Snow
      Able Lamb    ''        ''          ''   ''   ''      ''      '' A H Perkins
      Sam. Henderson  ''     ''      ''   ''   ''      ''        H W Miller
   and C C pendlton    ''     ''      ''   ''   ''      ''       J M Benson
       Councillor Geo. W Harris  said it was the duty of the
clerk to see that the Councillors were all seated in their
proper order.. The council being duly organized Pres.
Allred made some remarks.. The former minutes
were read by the clerk and accepted.. Pres. Geo. A. Smith
and Bro. T Turly came in while the minutes were reading
    Pres. Geo.A. Smith said Bro. Turly had come to meet
the Council,, and things were so arranged with them that
the complainers would not appear against him, but
he would give his reasons for not being here the other
Council day,, Bro Turly gave his reasons in short, said
it was not out of disrespect to the Council or any of
the Authorities of the church,, Bro. Geo. W.. Harris arrose
and wanted to know of Bro. Geo A.Smith if he with           the rest of the presidency who were t he complainers
were satisfied that he was wrongfully cut off,,  for it
was understood that he was cut off,, some words on that point and remarks from Pres. Allred..
    Councillor I Oviatt moved that Bro. Turly be contin-
=ned a member in the church,, seconded by Councillor Geo.
W. Harris.. Some remarks by Pres. Allred followed by Councillor
Geo. Coulson.. The motion was amended so as to read the
parties appeared and the case was droped from the
Council Bro. Turly having made satisfaction to bro.
Hyde,, as represented by Pres. Geo A. Smith.. The motion
carried unammously by the council and house