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[Pottawattamie HC Conf Min LR 1764 21 / Lr 1764 21 folder 1 Pottawattamie HC Lr 1764 21 fd 1 July 46-Feb 51 / LR 1764 21 1846 July-1851 February_Page_154] 
day, and he tho't the testimonies 
should be heard tho' Bro Millers
observation were good..                                                         Res. Geo. A. Smith said he felt like
hearing the testimony and they be
cited here before the Council and
know what they are to meet..
 Here the testimonies should have come
Pres. O. Hyde said the reason of this invastig-
ation was that the Haws Establishment was
the means of out loosing so many horse
and mules.. Haws would buy the ponies
of the indians for liquor and when
they were over their spree they were with
out ponies, and were compelled to steal
others to make up their loss..
Councillor H W Miller said that was
just what Major John Miller the
Indian agent told him..
Various remarks that Bro E. T. Benson
saw Bro. Turly yesterday and told him
hes case should be laid over untill an
other Council, and for Bro. Benson's sake
of with that done, not that I have a
particle of confidence in the man
    Pres. Geo. A. Smith move that the clerk
be instructed to notify Peter Haws, Lucian
Woodworth and Theodore Turly that
unless they meet the Council at its
next siting and there clear up the
fore going acusations or make suitable
retractions and satisfaction to the
Council they will then be disfellow-
shiped from the church